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发布时间:2024-07-26 18:10:49

[单项选择]The two goals of an operation system are()and efficiency.
A. convenience
B. quick
C. optimize
D. standardize

更多"The two goals of an operation syste"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The American party system is a two-party system which is unlikely to become anything else. It is not just that the two-party polarization has the weight of tradition behind it but also that the two-party polarization is built into our constitutional and legal system. Our entire electoral arrangements, the absence of proportional representation, the exorbitant cost of political campaigns, the legal difficulties in getting on and staying on the ballot in many states-all these things work against the rise of minor parties.
Also the single member legislative district, the division of power between the nation and the states, the method of electing a president with the winner itself, work to keep power in the hands of the two major parties. Major parties (like the Federalists and the Whigs) have broken up and been replaced as new parties have emerged in the past. But no minor party has ever gradually risen to achieve the stature of a major party, and no third party has lasted very lon
A. not expensive
B. fairly expensive
C. too expensive
D. too cheap

Once upon a time, in a solar system there were two planets. Their names were Yee and Lan, and they loved each other very much. But they were a little sad, because it was so long between times that they got to be near each other. Most of the time they had to gaze from afar.
Centuries went by, and one time as they passed, reaching out through the cold and emptiness, Yee slipped Lan a moon, because Yee had three and Lan had none. Lan looked so perfect with the new moon that all the other planets were a little jealous; and Yee didn’t mind giving up that moon at all.
So the planets kept on dancing to the music of the universe, and Lan’s moon was admired by all, until one day an evil-minded ice-hearted comet viciously slammed into it, shattering it into a thousand pieces. At that time, Yee was all the way on the other side of the sun and couldn’t hear the wails that rocked Lan through and through. After so long they were together again. Lan was almost
A. science fiction
B. children books
C. nature magazines
D. books on space science

[简答题]Time was when the solar system had two watery worlds. 61) Directly next door to the warm, wet, loamy Earth was the warm, wet, loamy Mars, both planets covered with oceans and running with rivers—and both possibly teeming with life. Billions of years ago, however, the low-gravity Mars had both its air and water leak away, causing the planet to become the dead, freeze-dried place it is today.
That is what the prevailing thinking has been. Now, it appears that thinking may be wrong. 62) Recently, NASA released new images from the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft that suggest water may be flowing up and streaming onto the Martian surface—dramatically increasing the likelihood that at least part of the planet is biologically alive. "If these results prove true," says Ed Weiler, associate administrator of NASA’s Office of Space Science," [they have] profound implications for the possibility of life. "
Finding liquid water on Mars’ surface has never been easy—beca


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