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发布时间:2023-11-14 20:42:14

[单项选择]The physician has ordered Oxtriphyllin (Choledyl SA) 0.2 g. Available tablets of the medicine are 100 mg. How many tablets should be given
A. 0.5 tablets.
B. 2.0 tablets.
C. 2.5 tablets.
D. 5.0 tablets.

更多"The physician has ordered Oxtriphyl"的相关试题:

[单项选择]“The oolong tea ordered has been dispatched per air freight.”最确切的翻译是( )。
A. 所订砖茶已空运发出
B. 所订乌龙茶已空运发出
C. 所订乌龙茶已空运接收
D. 所订砖茶已空运接收
[单项选择]The physician has ordered the client to receive digoxin (Lanoxicaps) twice per day until a therapeutic level is attained. When the nurse takes the client’s apical pulse on the 3rd day, the pulse is 58, and the client complains of nause
A. a. What should the nurse do next Administer the medication and leave a note on the chart for the physician.B. Order a serum digoxin level to be drawn.C. Administer the medication and medicate the client for nausea.D. Withhold the medication and notify the physician.
[单项选择]What product has the woman ordered?()
A. Trucks.
B. Printers.
C. Phones.
D. Cameras.
[简答题]Mr.Wu is expecting the goods he has ordered to arrive in three months and he has been asked to pay in Japanese Yen. Mr. Wu comes into your bank and asks for help, knowing that the Yen has increased in value over the past six months. What can you, as the bank’s manager, do for Mr. Wu
[填空题]A study has been ordered into the feasibility (可能性) of ______ (length) the airports main runway by 200 metres.
[填空题]The failure of an operation for appendicitis has shaken my (believe) ______ in doctors.
[单项选择]A: I ordered a book from you last Saturday. It hasn’t arrived yet.   B: Please tell me the serial number on your order sheet. _____________
A. You won’t regret
B. Trust me
C. I’ll nm a check for you
D. I promise
[填空题]With __________ (烟雾和蒸汽从火山口不断升起), the volcano has shown signs of life recently.

[单项选择]A client diagnosed with hyperthyroidism has been started on propylthiouracil (PTU) as drug therapy. The nurse should closely observe the client for which of the following side effects
A. Unusual bleeding or bruising.
B. Hypertension.
C. Hypokalemia.
D. Peripheral edem
[填空题]Formal education for girls historically has been secondary to that for boys. In colonial America girls could (71) a________ schools for boys only when there was room, usually during the summer when most of the boys were working. By the end of the 19th century, however, the number of women students had increased (72) gr________. Higher education particularly was broadened by the rise of women’s colleges and the (73) ad________ of women to regular colleges and universities. In 1870 an estimated one fifth of resident college and university students were women. By 1900 the (74) pr________ had increased to more than one third. In 1985 about 53 percent of all college students were women, more than one (75) q________ of whom were above age 29.


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