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发布时间:2024-06-29 22:23:40

[单项选择]A 10-month-old girl with bronchitis is taken out of the 30% oxygen tent for breakfast because she refuses to eat unless in a high chair. During the feeding, the nurse notes that the child’s respiratory rate has increased, she is becoming more irritable, and she is using accessory muscles to breathe. Which of the following should be the nurse’s first action
A. Perform postural drainage then complete the feeding.
B. Suction the child’s nose with a bulb syringe.
C. Discontinue the feeding and place the child back in the tent.
D. Assess the pulse rate and respirations and notify the physician.

更多"A 10-month-old girl with bronchitis"的相关试题:

[名词解释]asthmatic bronchitis
[简答题] Some sentences are taken out from passages. This kind of complex meaning expressed in written language soon becomes a fish out of water. The complexity of spoken language is more like that of a dance; it is not static and dense but mobile and intricate. Much more meaning is expressed by grammar than by vocabulary. As a consequence, the sentence structure is highly complex, reaching degrees of complexity that are rarely attained in writing. Writing, as recognized by most people, is genuinely formal and readily tangible, but spoken language has merits of its own. It is usually more economic in face-to-face communication, and it allows the omission of much contextual or commonsense information. This permits oral language to be more simplistic and flexible than written language. What is difficult or even impossible to achieve in written language can sometimes be achieved in oral language in a convenient way that does not demand extra efforts. On the other hand, speech can be more
[填空题]What are not allowed to be taken out of the reading room

[填空题]My father has had one of his (tooth)()taken out.
I was eleven when we had to move out of the big old house in which I had spent my whole life. Each time I thought of that, I felt very sad. When the final day came, I ran to a corner and sat alone, trying not to let others see my tears. Suddenly I felt a hand patting me on the shoulder. I looked up, and saw my grandpa. "It isn’t easy, is it, my grandson" he said in a very low voice, sitting down beside me. I nodded through my tears, without a word. We sat silently for a long time. Then he said, "Good-by is such a sad word that it seems too cold for us to use. We must try to avoid it."
Then we walked slowly in the garden, hand in hand, to have a last look at each rock, each tree, each flower. We sat for a while by the small pond which was a favorite place of my grandpa’s. "What do you see here, Tommy" asked the old man. I looked at the wat
A. were too sorry to leave
B. were both unwilling to say goodbye to
C. felt sorry when they were in
D. didn’t know that they had to leave
[简答题]To prove this to yourself, look at an object out of one eye; then look at the same object out of your other eye. (Passage 1)

[单项选择]The new librarian still doesn't know ( ) the out of date newspapers and magazines.
A. what to deal with
B. how to deal with
C. how to do with
D. what to do away with
[单项选择]She has put on a lot of weight since she got out of the hospital.
A. 自从出院以来她挑起了工作的重担。
B. 自从出院以来她长胖了很多。
C. 因为她出院了,所以挑起工作的重担。
D. 因为她出院了,所以长胖了许多。
[填空题]What did the old man want to do
He wanted to()out of the window.


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