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发布时间:2024-07-14 19:50:54

[单项选择]The mother of a 1B-year-old girl calls the emergency department, suspecting her daughter’s abdominal pain may be appendicitis. In addition to pain, her daughter has a fever of 100°F (37.8℃) and has vomited twice. What should the nurse tell the mother
A. Give the daughter a laxative to rule out the possibility that constipation is causing the pain.
B. Gently press on the left lower quadrant of her daughter’s abdomen to test for rebound tenderness.
C. It’s most likely the flu because her daughter is too young to have appendicitis.
D. Immediately bring her daughter into the emergency department before the appendix has a chance to ruptur

更多"The mother of a 1B-year-old girl ca"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The mother of a 3-year-old calls the emergency room nurse at 3.00 AM and reports her child has a temperature of 101.1°F (38.4℃), a runny nose, and a barky cough that "gets going and won’t stop. " The mother states that she just gave the child acetaminophen (Tylenol). Which of the following should the nurse recommend next
A. Giving the child an over-the-counter decongestant.
B. Administering aspirin in 2 hours.
C. Sitting with the child in a steamy warm bathroom.
D. Running a steam vaporizer near the child’s bedsid

A small girl and her mother were taking a walk in the country when it suddenly began to rain very hard.They did not have their umbrellas with them,and there was nowhere to hide from the rain,so they became wet soon,and the small girl did not feel happy.
While they were walking home through the rain,the girl kept thinking.At last she turned tO her mother and said,“Wrhy does it rain,MotherIt isn’t Very nice,is it”
"No,it isn’t very nice,but it’s useful,"answered her mother."It rains to make the fruit and vegetables grow for us,and to make the grass grow for the cows and sheep."
The girl thought for a few seconds, and asked, "Then,why does it rain on the road too, mother"

Where were the small girl and her mother having a walk( ).
A. In the downtown.
B. At the beach.
C. In the countryside.

A small girl and his mother were having a walk in the country when it suddenly began to rain very hard. They did not have their umbrellas with them, and there was nowhere to hide form the rain, so they were soon very wet, and the small girl did not feel very happy.
For a long time while they were walking home through the rain, the girl was thinking. Then at last she turned to her mother and said to her, "why does it rain, Mother It isn’t very nice, is it "
"No, it isn’t vey nice, but it’s useful, "answered her mother. "It rains to make the fruit and the vegetables grow for us, and to make the grass grow for the cows and sheep."
The girl thought about this for a few seconds, and then she said, "Then, why does it rain on the road too, Mother "

Where were the small girl and her mother having a walk ( )
A. in the downtown,
B. At the beach.
C. In the country.
[单项选择]The little girl grasped her mother's arm as she crossed the street.
A. understood
B. had a hold over
C. took hold of
D. left hold of
[单项选择]The mother of a hospitalized 3-year-old girl expresses concern because her daughter is wetting the bed. What should the nurse tell her
A. "It’s common for a child to exhibit regressive behavior when anxious or stressed. "
B. "Your child is probably angry about being hospitalized. This is her way of acting out. "
C. "Don’t worry. It’s common for a 3-year-olcl child to not be fully toilet-trained. "
D. "The nurses probably haven’t been answering the call light soon enough. They will try to respond more quickly. "
[单项选择]At the party we found that shy. girl () her mother all the time.
A. depending on
B. coinciding with
C. adhering to
D. clinging to
[单项选择]You can make a big difference in a medical emergency if you know the right thing to do()
A. 假如你知道该怎么办的话,那么你在需要医疗抢救中就会表现得非常突出。
B. 如果你知道应该做什么的话,那么在医疗紧急事件中你就会做得很好。
C. 假如你知道该怎么做的话,你便可以在需要医疗急救时起到至关重要的作用。
D. 如果你知道应该做什么的话,那么在医疗抢救中你就会干得和现在完全不一样。
[简答题]follow-up calls


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