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发布时间:2024-07-31 21:18:04

  • [A] chopstick
  • [B] salt
  • [C] plate
  • [D] sugar
  • [E] kitchen
  • [F] ice
  • [G] juice

People always put it in dishes when cooking.

更多"[A] chopstick[B] salt[C] plate[D] s"的相关试题:

  • [A] chopstick
  • [B] salt
  • [C] plate
  • [D] sugar
  • [E] kitchen
  • [F] ice
  • [G] juice

It is very sweet.
[单项选择]Salt is a principal wicked substance. Salt, sodium chloride (氯化钠), 40 percent of which is sodium (钠), is an element essential to human body. But sodium also boosts blood pressure. It makes the body retain fluids; greater fluid retention increases total blood volume, and this increase raises blood pressure. Where salt is used freely, a large proportion of the population develops chronic high blood pressure, which is a primary factor in heart disease and stroke. Farmers in northern Japan traditionally preserve their food with salt. They consume as much as six teaspoons a day-and 40 percent of them have high blood pressure. Among the Eskimos. of Greenland, however, who consume little salt, high blood pressure is almost unheard of.
The body of an adult needs only about 200 milligrams of sodium a day -- the amount in 500 milligrams, or 1/10 of teaspoon, of salt. But the average American consumes about 12,000 milligrams, or more than two teaspoons, of salt a day -- which supplies 24 t
A. The difference between sodium chloride and potassium chloride.
B. The function of slat in daily life.
C. A comparative study of slat consumption habits in some countries.
D. The relationship between salt consumption and high blood pressure.
[多项选择]--- Pass me the salt. (   ) --- Pass me the salt,please. --- Would you please pass me the salt The above utterances are arranged in an order of increasing degrees of______.
A. formality
B. informality
C. politeness
D. impoliteness
[简答题]Title: Sweet Trouble: Australian Sugar Industry Question types: 判断True/False/Not Given; 配对matching 大致内容 澳洲有一个好像叫MOSSMAN的生产糖种植甘蔗的地区。由于某些因素(和环境有关系),政府提倡居民们改行或迁出去,不要搞什么糖厂了,只有21个农民领了政府的XX走了,剩下一大把人在考虑何去何从,然后有专家先说了种甘蔗和相关的糖产业并没有什么环境问题,最后又有两位农民代表出来,其中一个农民为了保护环境搞了一些新措施,但是成本很高没多少利润,另外一个农民说如果情况继续下去他不得不举家迁走,即便他不想走...
[单项选择]Should Sugar Be Regulated like Alcohol and Tobacco Sugar poses enough health risks that it should be considered a controlled substance just like alcohol and tobacco, argue a team of researchers from the University of California, San Francisco(UCSF). In an opinion piece called "The Toxic(毒性的)Truth About Sugar" published Feb. 1 in Nature, Robert Lustig, Laura Schmidt and Claire Brindis argue that it’s wrong to consider sugar just "empty calories."They write: "There is nothing empty about these calories. A growing body of scientific evidence is showing that fructose(果糖)can trigger processes that lead to liver toxicity and a host of other chronic diseases. A little is not a problem, but a lot kills-slowly." Almost everyone’s heard of-or personally experienced-the well-known sugar high, so perhaps the comparison between sugar and alcohol or tobacco shouldn’t come as a surprise. But it’s doubtful that Americans will look favorably upon regulating their favorite vice. We’re a nation that’
A. is especially attractive to young children
B. is much easier and quicker to absorb than solid sugar
C. effectively stimulates people’s appetite
D. increases your calorie intake without your knowing it


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