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发布时间:2023-11-17 03:38:58

What will the Stonebark Company do on March 1
A. (A) Announce a new contest.
B. (B) Open its first branch in another country.
C. (C) Give customers a special discount.
D. (D) Expand its business into Asia.

更多"What will the Stonebark Company do "的相关试题:

What can Stonebark customers vote for
A. (A) Their favorite flavor.
B. (B) Their favorite café.
C. (C) The location for a new café.
D. (D) Their favorite Stonebark employee.
What is the company going to do
[单项选择]What do we know about the company
A. It needs new employees badly.
B. It gives quick responses routinely.
C. It is a newly established business.
D. It is very cautious in decision making.
[填空题]What does the company promise to do with the candidate’s salary history
They promises to keep it in ______.


F: What do you think about the new company magazine, John
M: It looks very professional, but I think they could have done it more cheaply.
F: But don’t you think people will find it useful
M: Well, they might find it interesting but that’s not still expensive

What does John think about the new company magazine( ).
A. It looks boring.
B. It costs too much to produce.
C. It’s a useful resource.
[简答题]1.What do you think about the story
2.What do you learn from it

[简答题]What do the new employees do
[单项选择]"What do you think of the company's forecast"
"Oh, the news ( ) pretty good."
A. were
B. is
C. are
D. had been
[单项选择]What do children do at school
A. Receive their formal education.
B. Take up activities such as sports and music.
C. Develop their identities within peer groups.
D. An the above.
[简答题]Daily routine What do you do mainly do with your time
[单项选择]What do the speakers agree to do
A. Launch the product immediately
B. Revise the style of the chair
C. Organize a second focus group
D. Redesign the awkward mechanism
[单项选择]What do they finally decide to do
[简答题]part 1 Daily routine What do you do mainly do with your time What is the best part of the day for you (Why ) When do you do most of your study Would you like to change your daily routine
[填空题]What Do Active Learners Do There are difference between active learning and passive learning. Characteristics of active learners: I. reading with purposes A. before reading: setting goals B. while reading: (1) ________ II. (2) ______ and critical in thinking i.e. information processing, e.g. -- connections between the known and the new information -- identification of (3) ______ concepts -- judgment on the value of (4) _____. III. active in listening A. ways of note-taking: (5) _______. B. before note-taking: listening and thinking IV. being able to get assistance A. reason 1: knowing comprehension problems because of (6) ______. B. Reason 2: being able to predict study difficulties V. being able to question information A. question what they read or hear B. evaluate and (7) ______. VI. Last characteristic A. attitude toward responsibility -- active learners: accept -- passive learners: (8) _______ B. attitude toward (9) ______ -- active learners: evaluate and
[简答题]What do you do in your spare time
[单项选择]What do you guess they’ll do
A. Go to the class at once.
B. Make it in the dorm.
C. Skip over the work.
D. Find out the assignment.


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