Classified Advertising is that advertising which is
grouped in certain{{U}} (21) {{/U}}of the paper and is thus
distinguished from display advertising. Such groupings as "Help{{U}} (22)
{{/U}}", "Real Estate", "Lost and Found" are made, the rate{{U}} (23)
{{/U}}being less than for display advertising. Classified advertisements are
a convenience to the reader and a{{U}} (24) {{/U}}to the advertiser. The
reader who is interested{{U}} (25) {{/U}}a particular kinds of
advertisement finds all advertisements of that type grouped for him. The
advertisers may, on this{{U}} (26) {{/U}}, use a very small
advertisement that would be lost if it were placed among larger advertisement A. C.with [单项选择]教育实验研究评价主要内容不包括( )
A. 目标评价 B. 研究团体评价 C. 过程评价 D. 结果评价 [单选题]从业人员有权拒绝()作业
A.A、违章指挥和强令冒险 B.B、违章指挥 C.C、冒险 D.D、盲目指挥 [简答题]当接听到发怒或态度恶劣的用户,投诉处理员该如何克制自己的情绪?
A. 记账凭证 B. 客户回单 C. 终止申请书 D. 终止协议 [填空题]() is a process by which one sound takes on some or all the characteristics of a neighboring sound.
A.外汇 B.保险 D.信托 [单项选择]下列关于唐朝法律中的规定,表述不正确的是:
A. “诸断罪而无正条,其应出罪者,则举重以明轻;其应人罪者,则举轻以明重”,这是《唐律》类推原则的适用 B. “诸化外人,同类相犯者,各依本俗法;异类相犯者,以法律论”,这是《唐律》调整涉外法律关系的规定 C. “凡是家人之间互盗者,或监守自盗者,加重罪处罚”,这就是惩罚盗窃罪的“受所监临”的制定 D. “手足殴伤人限十日,以他物殴伤人者二十日,以刃及汤火伤人者三十日,折跌肢体及破骨者五十日”,这是唐朝针对犯罪后果不能立刻显现的,规定加害方在一定期限内对受害方的伤情变化负责的保辜制度 [单选题]预防井壁不稳定的措施之一是起下钻和开泵不要过快过猛,这种措施属于( )因素的预防。
A.地质 B.工程 C.钻井液性能 D.钻井液类型 [单选题]以下关于室内消火栓设置的叙述中,不正确的是( )。
A.消防电梯前室应设消火栓,但不应计入消火栓使用数量 B.住宅的室内消火栓宜设置在楼梯间及其休息平台 C.同一楼梯间及其附近不同层设置的消火栓,其平面位置宜相同 D.冷库的室内消火栓应设置在常温穿堂或楼梯间内。 [判断题]雨雪天气时,如要进行室外直接验电,应加强监护
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 起钻时发生溢流的显示是:灌入井内的压井液量大于从井内起出钻具的体积。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]What is the best title for this passage
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