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发布时间:2024-03-15 01:45:36

[单项选择]Lynn Moody, CFA, is an investment officer at the Lester Trust Company. Moody also volunteers on a fund-raising committee for a local nonprofit organization with the purpose of environment protection. Moody sees the name of David Bradford, a former client of her company on the list of prospective new donors. Without disclosing that Bradford was a former client, Moody tells the committee that Bradford has donated generously to similar nonprofit organizations. Has Moody most likely violated the Standards of Professional Conduct
A. No.
B. Yes, relating to disclosure of conflicts.
C. Yes, relating to preservation of confidentiality.

更多"Lynn Moody, CFA, is an investment o"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Lynn Moody is an investment officer at the Lester Trust Company (LTC). If a current or former client of LTC has not permitted the disclosure of confidential information and disclosure of clients' confidential information does not conflict with local law, which of the following statements is most accurate According to the Professional Conduct Standards, a member will breach his duties by disclosing confidential client information that relates to:()
A. an individual client who ended the client relationship with LTC ten years ago.
B. illegal activities on the part of an individual who is a current client of LTC.
C. information requested by the CFA Institute Professional Conduct Program during the course of an investigation into that member's conduct by designed officer.
[单项选择]Michael Papis, CFA, is a chief investment officer of Assess Capital Management and manages several high-net-worth individual clients. Papis is responsible for presenting annual composite performance report for his managed accounts to his clients and prospective clients. In evaluating which accounts to include, he analyzes each of his managed accounts quarterly and picks those that have outperformed the benchmark to include in the composite performance report. Papis has least likely violated the Standards of Professional Conduct relating to:()
A. independence and objectivity.
B. misrepresentation.
C. performance presentation.
[单项选择]Bob Wade, CFA, is the chief investment officer of his state's retirement fund in Smith Capital. One day, Wade receives a non-cash gift from Michael Papis who is a client of Wade. According to the Standards of Professional Conduct relating to independence and objectivity, which of the following statements is most accurate Wade must:()
A. decline the gift from Papis.
B. disclose the gift to Smith Capital.
C. disclose the gift to both Smith Capital and other clients of Wade.
[单项选择]Lynn Hampton, CFA, is a well-respected private wealth manager in her community with a diversified client base. The local government decides to construct a large factory manufacturing chemical raw materials near her community, which results in a demonstration protesting the decision. She is arrested and convinced of her conduct, and immediately released. After she pays a fine, she returns to work. She is most likely violated the Professional Conduct Standards()
A. No.
B. Yes, relating to misconduct.
C. Yes, relating to knowledge of the law.
[单项选择]Janice Grass, CFA, is a sell-side analyst from a local securities firm. Grass does research about cash conversion cycle and operating cycle. The cash conversion cycle for a company that buys inventory on credit is most likely:()
A. less than the operating cycle.
B. equal to the operating cycle.
C. greater than the operating cycle.

Wesley Whitcomb, CFA, participated as a CFA examination grader in 2012. Prior to participating in grading CFA examinations, Whitcomb was required to sign a CFA Institute Grader Agreement drafted by CFA Institute stating that graders are not to reveal or discuss the exam materials with anyone except CFA Institute staff and other graders. Several weeks after the conclusion of the CFA exam grading, Whitcomb returns to his office and is having dinner with several colleagues some of who are the Level Ⅲ candidates in the CFA Program. One of the candidates mentions that he is very disappointed about his examination this time and afraid of failing for the exam because he unintentionally made a calculation mistake when answering the first essay question of investment policy statement. Whitcomb responds by telling the candidate that he was a grader for the 2012 examination and that it would be unfortunate if the candidate did give wrong answer to that question because most candidates scored
A. A
B. B
C. C

[单项选择]Neil Barton, CFA, and Nancy Roberts, CFA, began a joint research report on Stamp Corporation. Nancy spent several days visiting Stamp’s corporate headquarters and meeting with all company officers. Prior to the completion of the report, Nancy was reassigned to another project. Nell utilized his and Nancy’s research to write the report. According to the CFA Institute Standards of practice Handbook, did Nell violate any CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct()
A. No.
B. Yes, with respect to misrepresentation.
C. Yes, with respect to independence and objectivity.
[多项选择]获得CFA证书需要通过三级考试,其中,CFA一级要求( )。
A. 掌握财务分析
B. 掌握宏观/微观经济学
C. 掌握数理统计的基本理论
D. 运用所学到的金融理论,比较并推荐最合理的投资工具
[多项选择]获得CFA证书需要通过三级考试,其中,CFA一级要求掌握( )。
A. 财务分析
B. 宏渺微观经济学
C. 数理统计的基本理论
D. 运用所学到的金融理论,比较并推荐最合理的投资工具
[单项选择]Raymond A. Moody, Jr. , a Georgia physician, credits his sense of humor for getting him through the terrible grind of medical school. Yet not once, in all those years of training, did professor Moody bring up the health benefits of laughter
"As time went on," Moody relates in his book Laugh After Laugh: The Healing Power of Humor, "I came to feel that a human being’ s ability to laugh is just as valid an indicator of his health as are all those other things that doctors check."
Gradually, many members of the medical establishment are coming around to the same thinking. Dr. William Fry,Jr. , a Stanford University researcher, has studied the beneficial effects of laughter for more than 30 years. "When we laugh," Fry explains, "muscles are activated. When we stop laughing, these muscles relax. Since muscle tension magnifies pain, many people with arthritis, rheumatism and other painful conditions benefit greatly from a healthy dose of laughter. Many headache sufferers fee
A. Get Humor-minded People Together.
B. Laugh Lovers News.
C. Take Time To Laugh.
D. Mix With People Who Laugh.
[单项选择]The CFA Institute Professional Conduct Program is covered by the CFA Institute Bylaws and the Rules of Procedure for Proceedings related to Professional Conduct Program. The program is based on the principles of fair process to the:()
A. member's clients and confidentiality of sanctions.
B. member and confidentiality of sanctions.
C. member and confidentiality of proceedings.
[单项选择]According to CFA Institute of Professional Conduct (the Standards), which of the following is NOT a recommendation procedure for compliance with the Standards relating to fair dealing()
A. Limit the number of people involved.
B. Maintain a list of clients and their holdings.
C. Prolong the time frame between decision and dissemination.


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