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发布时间:2024-07-26 06:24:36

[单项选择]The purposes the brochure serves will dictate its ( ).
A. cost
B. size
C. design and format
D. quality

更多"The purposes the brochure serves wi"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which of the following italicized parts serves as an appositive
A. He is not the man to draw back.
B. Tony hit back the urge to tell a lie.
C. Larry has a large family to support.
D. There is really nothing to fear.
[多项选择]The Air Waybill serves as( ).
A. a document of title to the goods
B. a contract for transportation
C. a receipt and delivery of shipment
D. a convention for air transport
[填空题]The fence serves a different purpose in each state.
[判断题]The sea waybill serves as same functions as marine bill of lading used in carriage of goods by sea and who is allowed, upon production of proper identification, to claim the goods without presenting the sea waybill.( )
[单项选择]The massacre at Columbine High School serves as an example of ______.

[单项选择]You will find ______ a brochure and two samples of our latest developed products.
A. enclosing
B. enclose
C. enclosed
D. to enclose
[填空题]In the United States, distance alone serves to isolate any group and to provide it with a ______.

[单项选择]Our new advertising brochure ()already designed by someone
A. was being
B. had been
C. has been
D. have had
[填空题]English for Special Purposes
The Sadrina Project An intermediate course featuring English for travel and the travel business. Twelve twenty-minute episodes on film and videocassette, with a textbook.
The Language of Business A best-selling advanced course with a textbook and four audiocassettes.
The Bellcrest Story An advanced course for professional businessmen. Thirteen fifteen-minute episodes on film and videocassette, and a full range of teachers’ and students’ books and tapes produced in conjunction with Oxford University Press.
English for International Cooperation Advanced English used for meetings, negotiation and administration. A textbook and four audiocassettes.
Letter Writing in English A textbook on general and business letter writing.
Project Aftermath A new intermediate course of technical English. Two books and four audiocassettes.
The Scientist Speaks A film series covering a wid
[简答题]Tourists taking holidays for educational purposes, whether to learn something or to attain new knowledge, will choose destinations appropriate for this purpose. Again the type and standard of accommodation are of secondary importance. For example, people wishing to study art, music or another skill are now accepting accommodation in universities and colleges that run such courses during the vacations. There may be a certain cachet attached to this and frequently the customers are those with limited means. They find the low costs linked with the learning aspect as representing very good value. These holidays provide a rest of a different sort, a change of interest from people’s daily lives. The support services can also be rudimentary. However those who take these holidays are prepared to make their own spare time activities such as walks in the surrounding countryside, community singing at night, concerts and so on.

The program memory serves basically as a place (1) instructions, the coded pieces of data (2) direct the activities of the control processing unit (CPU). A group of (3) related in- structions stored in memory is referred to as a program. The CPU "read" each instruction from memory a logically (4) sequence and "use" it to initiate program action. If the program structure is coherent and (5) , processing procedures produce intelligible and useful results.

A. to determine
B. determing
C. determined
D. determine
[填空题]Directions: There is a tour brochure below. After reading it, you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No. 56 to No. 60) that follow. The answers (in no more than 3 words) should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet.
June 9, 2011
Dear Sirs,
Many thanks for your offer dated May 13 for leather shoes and for the illustrated catalogues you very kindly sent us.
We appreciate the high quality of your goods, but unfortunately we are not in a position to accept the offer on your terms. Your prices appear to be on rather high side and they will leave us little or no margin of profit. As you may know, this is an area in which the principal demand is for goods in the medium price range, and leather shoes of the same quality from some other suppliers are now available in this market at much lower prices than yours. Some suppliers even offer a special discount of as high as 20% on orders exceeding US $15,000.
Much as
[单项选择] With its common interest in lawbreaking but its immense range of subject matter and widely-varying methods of treatment, the crime novel could make a legitimate claim to be regarded as a separate branch of literature, or, at least, as a distinct, even though a slightly disreputable, shoot of the traditional novel. The detective story is probably the most respectable (at any rate in the narrow sense of the word) of the crime species. Its creation is often the relaxation of University dons, literary economists, scientists or even poets. Fatalities may occur more frequently and mysteriously than might be expected in polite society, but the world in which they happen, the village, seaside re- sort, college or studio, is familiar to us, if not from our own experience, at least in the news- paper or the lives of friends The characters, though normally realized superficially, are as recognizably human and consistent as our less intimate associates. A story set in a more remote environ
A. In introducing violence.
B. In providing to excitement and suspense.
C. In ensuring that everything comes right in the end.
D. In appealing to the intellectual curiosity of the reader.


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