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发布时间:2024-05-17 20:00:18


The program memory serves basically as a place (1) instructions, the coded pieces of data (2) direct the activities of the control processing unit (CPU). A group of (3) related in- structions stored in memory is referred to as a program. The CPU "read" each instruction from memory a logically (4) sequence and "use" it to initiate program action. If the program structure is coherent and (5) , processing procedures produce intelligible and useful results.

A. to determine
B. determing
C. determined
D. determine

更多"The program memory serves basically"的相关试题:


The program memory serves basically as a place (1) instructions, the coded pieces of data (2) direct the activities of the control processing unit (CPU). A group of (3) related in- structions stored in memory is referred to as a program. The CPU "read" each instruction from memory a logically (4) sequence and "use" it to initiate program action. If the program structure is coherent and (5) , processing procedures produce intelligible and useful results.

A. logic
B. logically
C. logical
D. logician
[简答题]TV program
[多项选择]Tv program
[单项选择]Meet Your Memory   1 Memory is something that cannot be seen, touched or weighed. It is thought to be abstract. It is a set of skills rather than an object. Neither is there a single standard for judging a good or poor memory. There are a number of different ways in which a person may have a ’good’ memory.   2 Memory is generally viewed as consisting of three stages: (1) acquisition refers to learning the material; (2) storage refers to keeping the material in the brain until it is needed; and (3) retrieval (提取) refers to getting the material back out when it is needed.   3 Memory consists of at least two different processes: short-term memory and long-term memory. Short-term memory has a limited capacity and a rapid forgetting rate. Its capacity can be increased by chunking (组成大块), or grouping separate bits of information into larger chunks. Long-term memory has an almost unlimited capacity.   4 One measure of memory is recall, which requires you to produce information by searchin
[简答题]Place How this place affects people
[填空题]take place

[单项选择]The European Recovery Program, an American program to aid Europe after the WWII, is also called
A. Truman Doctrine.
B. Bretton Woods System.
C. Molotov Plan.
D. The Marshall Plan.

There are three kinds of memory: sense memory, working memory, and long-term memory. Think of them as three connected rooms in which you store different kinds of memories.
The first kind of memory is sense memory. Everything you are sensing right now is stored here. Perhaps you feel the sun on your face or smell the aroma(香味) of food. Sense memories last only a few seconds, but they connect one moment to the next. They give your life a flow, even though they are quickly forgotten.
You keep a few items(条目) in working memory. These are memories you need for what you are doing. Suppose you look up a friend’s telephone number in the phone book. You’ll probably remember the number for a little while. But if you get distracted(分神), you might quickly forget it. A memory usually stays in your working memory for just a few days at most. Working memory has another limit, too. Only a small number of items fit into it at any given time.<
A. Kinds of Memories.
B. The Length of Memories.
C. New Findings on Memories.
D. The Importance of Memories.


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