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发布时间:2023-09-29 14:06:39

[单项选择]The general objective of the Total Physical Response Method is to teach () at a beginning level.
A. oral and aural facility
B. oral proficiency
C. reading comprehension ability
D. translating ability

更多"The general objective of the Total "的相关试题:

[填空题]The general objective of the Total Physical Response method is to teach oral ______ at a beginning level.
[单项选择]The general objective of the Silent Way is to give beginning level students ______ in basic elements of the target language.
A. reading comprehension ability
B. translating ability
C. oral and aural facility
D. thinking capacity
[填空题]Asher,the advocate of the Total Physical Response method,views the verb,and particularly the verb in the ______,as the central element around which language use and learning are organized.
[单项选择]The general strike is a means of ( ) the total authority of the government.
A. informing
B. recommending
C. challenging
D. transforming
[填空题]strategic objective
[单项选择]The key to these questions is the emotional response we call anxiety. Unlike hunger or thirst, which build and dissipate (驱散) in the immediate present, anxiety is the sort of feeling that sneaks up on you from the day after tomorrow. It’s supposed to keep you from feeling too safe. Without it, few of us would survive.
All animals, especially the small, scurrying kind, appear to feel anxiety. Humans have felt it since the days they shared the planet with saber-toothed tigers. But we live in a particularly anxious age. The initial shock of Sept. 11 has worn off, and the fear has lifted, but millions of Americans continue to share a kind of generalized mass anxiety. A recent TIME/CNN poll found that eight months after the event, nearly two-thirds of Americans think about the terror attacks at least several times a week. And it doesn’t take much for all the old fears to come rushing back. What was surprising about the recent drumbeat of terror warnings was how quickly it triggered t
A. The Origin of Anxiety.
B. The Hazards of Anxiety.
C. Healing Anxiety.
D. Understanding Anxiety.
[单项选择]During the first 3 months, which hormone is responsible for maintaining pregnancy
A. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG).
B. Progesterone.
C. Estrogen.
D. Relaxin.
[简答题]general cargo
[填空题]Although General Motors and General Electric are large multinational companies with operations around the globe, there are numerous smaller companies that engage in international trade. Because 95 percent of the world’s population and two-thirds of its (S1) _________ power are located outside the United States, it is important for American (S2) _________to be present in foreign markets. However, before we explain the different methods by which a company may (S3) __________in inter- national trade, we might first consider some important(S4)_________that U.S. companies often fail to study before they sell products in a foreign country. These factors are (S5)________with differences in language, in values and attitudes, and in political (S6)________. When (S7)_________Coca-Cola into the Chinese market in 1920, the company used a group of Chinese symbols that, when spoken, sounded like Coca-Cola. However, when read, these symbols meant, "a female horse fattened with wax". Upon reenteri


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