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发布时间:2024-07-24 06:32:48

[单项选择]The neogrammarians, represented by ______, formed the main linguistic basis of the Direct Method.
A. W.M.Wundt
B. B. J.Comenius
C. F.Gouin
D. Hermann Paul

更多"The neogrammarians, represented by "的相关试题:

[填空题]The neogrammarians,represented by Hermann Paul,formed the main linguistic basis of the ______ Method.
[填空题]Tunisia represented Africa in the German World Cup of 1974.

[填空题]Nine teams represented the North and South American continents in the 1930 World Cup.

[单项选择]It was as a physician that he represented himself, and_________he was warmly received.
A. as such
B. such as
C. as that
D. so that
[单项选择]The head of government of Canada is represented by
A. the Queen.
B. the Prime Minister.
C. the Governor General.
D. the Cabinet Minister.
[单项选择]The Head of State of Canada is represented by( ).
A. the Monarch
B. the President
C. the Prime Minister
D. the Governor-General
[简答题]In 2008 George and Hillary formed a private company, Intellect (Pty) Ltd, to develop computer games. They each took 100 shares in the company and each of them became a director of the company. Hillary, a qualified attorney, drew up the articles of association of the company stating that she was to act as the company’s attorney for a period of five years, at a salary of R20,000 per year. George has now discovered that Hillary has secretly been selling some of the newly developed games to another rival company for her own account. He therefore no longer wishes Hillary to act as attorney for Intellect (Pty) Ltd. Required: Advise George on the following: (a) Whether Hillary has a contract in terms of the articles of association and the company is obliged to pay her damages for breach of contract. (4 marks)
[简答题]Arend and Company Limited was formed for the purpose of selling tools of all kinds. It was mentioned in the memorandum as the main object of the company. Arend and Company Limited, (a) took loans to build stocks; (2 marks) (b) repaired tools for profit; (2 marks) (c) gave employees loans to buy cars for personal and official use; (2 marks) (d) ran training courses for customers and others instructing the proper use of tools; and (2 marks) (e) expanded its business to sell refrigerators and air conditioners. (2 marks) Required: Explain whether these activities (a) to (e) would be regarded as ‘ultra vires’. (10 marks)
[简答题]Sim and Sam formed a partnership whose sole business was to purchase well-bred horses that ran in various races in South Africa. They both met as usual at 10 in the morning and decided to purchase a horse named ‘Beauty’ for R50,000. After Sim left, Sam decided to purchase another well-bred horse called ‘Champion’ for R50,000. In the weekly auction, Champion was sold for a net profi t of R1,000,000 while Beauty did not attract any buyer. Sim came to know of it and claimed that half of R1,000,000 that Sam made belonged to him. Alternatively, all the profi ts that Sam made belonged to the partnership. Required: Advise Sim. (10 marks)
[单项选择]Which of the following words is NOT formed through clipping( ).
A. Dorm
B. motel
C. Gent
D. Zoo
[简答题]Bothepha, Gorata and Onneile formed a partnership six years ago, although Bothepha was a sleeping partner and never had anything to do with running the business. Two years ago the partnership employed Tumelo as its manager and last year Gorata retired from the partnership. Onneile subsequently has left much of the day-to-day work to Tumelo who has let it be known generally that he has become a partner, although he has not. In May of this year Tumelo entered into two large contracts. The first one was with a longstanding customer, Robert, who had dealt with the partnership for some five years. The second contract was with a new customer, Simon. Both believed Tumelo’s claim that he was a partner in the business. Both contracts have gone badly wrong leaving the partnership still owing a total of P900,000 to both Robert and Simon. Unfortunately the business assets will only cover the first P450,000 of the total debt. Required: Explain the potential liabilities of Bothepha, Gorata, Onne
[单项选择]The two advertising agencies formed an alliance to seek ______ to locate potential customers in times of difficulty.
A. innocently
B. suddenly
C. cooperatively
D. needlessly
[填空题]The Labor Party was formed by the trade unions.

[填空题]Formed from the gum of pines, amber is carbonized wood product.
[简答题]Thabo, Monty and Simon formed a partnership six years ago and registered it in terms of Partnership Proclamation, 1957. The sole business of the partnership is to sell all kinds of furniture. Since Thabo was forever travelling because of his job, all the partners agreed that Thabo would be a sleeping partner. Thabo never participated in the running of the partnership business and was content with his share of profits. In 2008, Monty entered into two contracts on behalf of the partnership. The fi rst one was with Kramer, a long-standing supplier, to supply several kinds of oriental furniture. Kramer was paid R150,000 in advance. The second contract was with a new customer, Tsiu Hu, who ordered oriental furniture of the type Kramer had earlier agreed to supply. Kramer’s business went bankrupt and there are no prospects of either getting the advance back, or the promised furniture. Tsiu Hu had made it clear that if the furniture was not supplied on time, he would sue for breach of c
[简答题]Chien, Linh and Trang formed a new limited liability company in January 2011. They decided that the company would specialise in selling high quality food products. Before the company was formed, Chien, Linh and Trang decided to enter into several transactions so that the company could commence trading as soon as the legal formalities relating to formation had been finalised. Chien was responsible for sourcing and selling seafood. In October 2010 he ordered 500 boxes of crab meat with the intention of selling it to the customers of the new company. He wrote to 50 prospective customers of the new company informing them that a maximum of three boxes of crab meat would be available for purchase by each customer at a price of 20 million dong per box. The remainder would be advertised for general sale. Linh was responsible for sourcing and selling herbs. She secured an agreement with a supplier of saffron, an expensive herb, and has already been told informally by five of her restaurant co
[单项选择]The Head of Slate of Canada is represented by ______.
A. the Monarch
B. the President
C. the Prime Minister
D. the Governor-general
[简答题]Viru, Nana and Timothy formed an ordinary partnership under the Partnership Act 1957 to sell sports goods. The partnership was duly registered as required by law. The partnership deed clearly stipulated that the sole purpose of the partnership is selling only sports goods and nothing else. The partnership set up an attractive shop and began selling sports goods. Each of the partners paid R100,000 into the business. Nana told the other two partners that he did not have more money and it was agreed between them that Nana’s maximum liability for any partnership debt would be fixed at his original contribution of R100,000 only. In January 2010, Viru drew R10,000 from the partnership’s bank, drawn on its overdraft facility, by misrepresenting that the money was urgently needed to finance a short-term partnership debt, and then used the money to pay for a holiday in South Africa. In February 2010, Timothy entered into a R25,000 contract on behalf of the partnership to buy hair relaxers, wh


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