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发布时间:2024-07-10 23:21:36

[单项选择]Maintenance personnel installing office furniture must take care not ______ any of the computers, faxes or phones stationed around worker cubicles.
A. have damaged
B. to damage
C. damage
D. damaging

更多"Maintenance personnel installing of"的相关试题:

[单项选择]We need to purchase ______ new office furniture.
A. a
B. many
C. several
D. some
[单项选择]The office furniture seems to be used ______.
A) to occupy some space in the room C) for office workers to work at
B) to keep something important D) for people to sit on

A. The office furniture seems to be used ______.
B. to occupy some space in the room
C. to keep something important
D. for office workers to work at
E. for people to sit on
[单项选择]______ furniture, if removed from the office, must be authorized by an officer in charge.
A. A
B. Here is
C. Any
D. In case
[单项选择]The Maintenance of Parents Bill

A. received unanimous support in the Singapore Parliament.
B. was believed to solve all the problems of the elderly poor.
C. was intended to substitute for traditional values in Singapore.
D. was passed to make the young more responsible to the old.
[单项选择]Key resources are technical personnel and aircraft spare parts which account for the largest share of the maintenance ______.

A. expenditure
B. budget
C. allowance
D. investment
A. porch : arch
B. ceiling : basement
C. trinket : person
D. euphony : pattern
E. grey : painting
[单项选择]The personnel manager finally learned that the young man______her corporation were looking had gone abroad.
A. whom
B. for whom
C. who
D. that
[单项选择]Half of the fee for installing the kitchen appliances should be paid in ______ .

A. progress
B. advance
C. signature
D. wage
[单项选择]Maintenance activities do not include()
A. making enhancements to software products
B. developing a new software product
C. correcting problems
D. adapting products to new environments
[单项选择]The personnel director's only responsibility is ( ).
A. to take care of the guests
B. to handle all guest complaints
C. to repair and maintain hotel services
D. to staff the hotel
[填空题]What kind of work will the personnel managers do
They explain management policies, ______ and negotiate with unions.
[单项选择]The personnel manager makes it clear that for security reasons, no one is allowed to enter the building ______ presenting a photo ID card.
A. unless
B. without
C. because
D. if
[单项选择]Maintenance and provision of hotel services are the responsibilities of the ( ) department in a hotel.
A. food and beverage
B. sales
C. personnel
D. engineering
[单项选择]One reason why Reebok' s managerial personnel don't like their shoes to be called "footwear for yuppies" is that______.

A. they believe that their shoes are popular with people of different age groups
B. new production lines have been added to produce inexpensive shoes
C. "yuppies" usually evokes a negative image
D. the term makes people think of prohibitive prices

Lost Property Office Opening hours The office is open every day from 08:00—19:00. Contacting the lost property office Telephone number: 0844 824 3115 (UK only). If you are calling from outside the UK, please call +44 5620 8634 4130 Phone lines are open every day 09:00—17:00. Email: thr.lostproperty@bagport.co.uk Where to find us We are by the Heathrow Express ticket office near Terminal (航站楼) 3. Just follow the signs for "Lost Property" in the underground passageway. We also have an office in Terminal 5 for any items lost here or on a British Airways flight operating from this terminal. Find us near domestic arrivals. Hold baggage (托运行李) enquiries Baggage delivery is the responsibility of each airline. For inquiries relating to hold baggage please contact your airline directly. Items left on aircraft, in airline lounges (候机厅) or on airline buses If anything is left on an aircraft, in an airline lounge or on an airline bus, please contact your airline. Howeve


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