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发布时间:2024-01-05 01:51:23

[单项选择]The continuous unrest was ( ) the nation's economy.
A. exaggerating
B. aggravating
C. amending
D. fastening

更多"The continuous unrest was ( ) the n"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The continuous unrest was () the nation's economy.
A. exaggerating
B. aggravating
C. amending
D. fastening
[单项选择]The continuous unrest was ______ the nation's economy.
A. exaggerating
B. aggravating
C. amending
D. fastening
[单项选择]The continuous unrest was _______ the nation's economy.
A. exaggerating
B. aggravating
C. amending
D. fastening
[简答题]With the nation’s financial system teetering (蹒跚) on a cliff, the compensation arrangements for executives of the big banks and other financial firms are coming under close examination again. Bankers’ excessive risk-taking is a significant cause of this financial crisis and has contributed to others in the past. In this case, it was fueled by low interest rates and kept going by a false sense of security created by a debt-fueled bubble in the economy. Mortgage lenders gladly lent enormous sums to those who could not afford to pay them back, dividing the loans and selling them off to the next financial institution along the chain, which took advantage of the same high-tech securitization (证券化) to load on more risky mortgage-based assets. Financial regulation will have to catch up with the most irresponsible practices that led banks down this road, in hopes of averting the next crisis, which is likely to involve different financial techniques and different sorts of assets. But it i
[单项选择]If you traveled on one of the nation’s Interstates in these last few days before Memorial Day, you might have encountered an unusual sight; bikers by the dozens stretched half a mile down the highway, their motorcycles flying military banners and spewing exhaust.
They are an intimidating bunch. Sheathed in leather from the neck down, they look like physical extensions of their bikes. But these riders are no motley crew. They are members of Rolling Thunder, a nationwide network of veterans and their supporters. Their destination: the Rolling Thunder Memorial Day rally on the National Mall in Washington.
Rolling Thunder, which has thousands of members, was founded in 1987 when some Vietnam veterans and advocates for P. O. W. ’s and M. I. A. ’s befriended one another on the mall. They were looking for a special way to promote their cause. Ray Manzo of Hoboken, N. J. , now a former marine, suggested motorcycles. The idea grabbed them. Masses of bikes descending on Washington
A. it was a nationwide network of veterans and their supporters founded in 1987 that affiliated to Rolling Thunder National.
B. It was an organization founded in 1995 that works year-round for veterans’ fights.
C. It was named Rolling Thunder because masses of bikes descending on Washington would literally sound like Rolling Thunder.
D. It was named Rolling Thunder because it was the code name for the bombing campaign over North Vietnam during the Vietnam war.
[单项选择]We have a responsibility to ensure our nation's continued prosperity and the most sensible way to do this is by investment in basic scientific research.()
A. effective
B. efficient
C. significant
D. reasonable
[单项选择]Cars of 2000 will travel the nation's highways in never-before-dreamed-of safety, comfort, and convenience.( )
A. 2000年的汽车将行驶在全国各地的公路上,很难预见它会有多么安全、适意和稳当。
B. 2000年的汽车将以过去绝对想像不到的安全、舒适和方便行驶在全国各地的公路上。
C. 2000年的汽车将安稳、顺利和快捷地行驶在全国各地的公路上,过去人们绝对不会预见到。
D. 2000年的汽车将以人们难以想像的安全、顺利和速度行驶在全国各地的公路上。
[单项选择]The high standard of the nation's literature and art widespread attention.

A. was attracted
B. have attracted
C. has attracted
D. has been attracted
[单项选择]According to the author, a nation's wealth depends upon ______.

A. its standard of living
B. its money
C. its ability to provide goods and services
D. its ability to provide transport and entertainment
[单项选择]What was the whole nation's reaction to the murder

A. They felt indignant about violent crime.
B. They attended the funeral.
C. They felt surprised.
D. They all crie
[单项选择]If the trade deficit really is one of the nation's most pressing problems, the surest and swiftest way to tackle it would be ______ a deep recession.
A. to engineer
B. to steer
C. to facilitate
D. to balance
[单项选择]Cox Radio, one of the nation's largest radio chains, plans to ______ its ties with independent record promoters to distance itself from a payola-like practice that runs rampant in the music business.
A. consolidate
B. tout
C. sever
D. splash


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