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发布时间:2023-10-13 17:32:04

[单项选择]The director was critical ______ the way we Were doing the work.
A. at
B. in
C. of
D. with

更多"The director was critical ______ th"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The director was critical______the way we were doing the work.
A. at
B. in
C. of
D. with
[单项选择]Our director is critical ( ) the way we are doing business.
A. of
B. with
C. at
D. in

We are all conditioned by the way we are brought up. Our values are determined by our parents, and in a larger sense, by the culture in which we live. Chinese people, for example, are traditionally not accustomed to drinking milk, and may actually become sick if they are compelled to drink a glassful of the beverage. Americans, on the other hand, thrive on milk, although they have many taboos of their own.
Some years ago I gave a dinner party during which I served a delicious hors d’oeuvre filled with a meat that tasted somewhat like chicken. My guests wondered what the meat was, but I refused to tell them until they had eaten their fill. I explained that they had just dined on the flesh of freshly killed rattlesnake. Some people reacted by becoming nauseous, and a few people even vomited. By contrast, if I had served rattlesnake to a Chinese person, he might have requested a second helping, for in China the dish is considered a delicacy.
Another int
A. he looked like a Japanese
B. his parents were Japanese
C. his worldview was Japanese
D. he couldn't speak English

[单项选择]Passage 2 If we were asked exactly what we were doing a year ago, we should probably have to say that we could not remember. But if we had kept a book and had written in it an account of what we did each day, we should be able to give an answer to the question. It is the same in history. Many things have been forgotten because we do not have any written account of them. Sometimes men did keep a record of the most important happenings in their country, but often it was destroyed by fire or in a war. Sometimes there was never any written record at all because the people of that time and place did not know how to write. For example, we know a good deal about the people who lived in China 4,000 years ago, because they could write and leave written records for those who lived after them. But we know almost nothing about the people who lived even 200 years ago in central Africa, because they had not learned to write. Sometimes, of course, even if the people cannot write, they
A. “Remembered history”, compared with written history, is less reliable.
B. Written records of the past plays a most important role in our learning of the human history.
C. A written account of our daily activities helps us to be able to answer any questions.
D. Where there are no written records, there is no history.
[单项选择]D Two farmers were on their way home one evening after a hard day’s work.Both were tired.They happened to look up at the sky and SaW a black cloud overhead. “Ah!”said one farmer,“tomorrow we shall have rain and the rice will grow well.”The second answered,“Nonsense,the rain will only kill the crops.” So they began to quarrel.Just then a third farmer clime along and asked them why they were quarrelin9.Both farmers explained about the black cloud. “What cloud”asked the third farmer.They all looked at the sky.The cloud was no longer there. The two farmers were .
A. going home
B. going to the field
C. going to work
D. going to see their friend
[单项选择]We were caught______a shower on our way home.()
A. by
B. with
C. at
D. in
[单项选择]Only in this way we can win the match.( )
A. Only
B. in this way
C. we can
D. win the match
[单项选择]We were told that we should follow the main road ______ we reached the central railway station.
A. whenever
B. until
C. while
D. wherever
[单项选择]According to the passage, the way we dress ______

A. provides cues for people who are picky.
B. points to our likes and dislikes in choosing a career
C. has a direct impact on the way people look at us
D. is of special importance when we grow old


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