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发布时间:2024-07-05 20:47:25

[多项选择]In marine chartering business, the relationship between the parties is governed by the charter party. The payment of hire and delivery/redelivery clauses normally appear in forms of ( ).

更多"In marine chartering business, the "的相关试题:

[多项选择]In marine voyage chartering business, the shipowner is responsible for costs such as ( ).
A. bunker
B. port charges
C. freight
D. demurrage

In the relationship of education to business we observe today a fine state of paradox. On the one hand, the emphasis which most business places upon a college degree is so great that one can almost visualize the time when even the office boy will have his baccalaureate. On the other hand, we seem to preserve the belief that some deep intellectual chasm separates the businessman from other products of the university system. The notion that business people are quite the Philistines sounds absurd. For some reason, we tend to characterize vocations by stereotypes, none too flattering but nonetheless deeply imbedded in the national conscience; In the cast of characters the businessman comes on stage as a crass and uncouth person. It is not a pleasant conception and no more truthful or less unpleasant than our other stereotypes.
Business is made up of people with all kinds of backgrounds, all kinds of motivations, and all kinds of tastes, just as in any other form of human ende
A. prevalent egoism among businessmen
B. the fierce social competition
C. racial discrimination
D. sheer misunderstanding of other people

[判断题]The time chartering means that the ship owner provides a designated manned ship to the charterer, and the charterer employs the ship for a specific period against payment of hire.( )
[判断题]Under the voyage chartering, the shipowner is responsible for the fixed running expenses as well as for the voyage expenses.( )
[单项选择]According to marine ecologists, transplanted marine species

A. may upset the ecosystems of coastal waters.
B. are all compatible with one another.
C. can only survive in their home waters.
D. sometimes disrupt shipping lanes.
[多项选择]The marine cargo insurance premium rates may vary depending on factors such as ( ).
A. type of goods
B. value of the goods
C. mode of transportation
D. the type of risks covered
[多项选择]The All Risks of marine cargo transportation insurance covers risks of( ).
A. war and strike
B. general average
C. inherent vice of goods
D. stranding of ship
[多项选择]Normally the banks accept the following marine bills of lading.( )
A. order bills of lading
B. shipped bills of lading
C. clean bills of lading
D. foul bills of lading

The earliest controversies about the relationship between photography and art centered on whether photographer’s fidelity to appearances and dependence on a machine allowed it to be a fine art (1) distinctive from merely a practical art. Throughout the nineteenth century, the defense of photography was identical with the (2) to establish it as a fine art. (3) the charge that photographers was a soulless mechanical duplication of (4) , photographers (5) that it was instead a privileged (6) of seeing, a revolt against commonplace vision, and (7) worthy an art than painting.
Ironically, (8) photography is securely established as a fine art, many photographers find it pretentious or (9) to label it as such. Serious photographers are no longer willing to (10) whether photography is not involved with art, (11) to proclaim that their own work is not involved with it. This shows the extent (12)
A. rally
B. debate
C. estimate
D. revision


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