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发布时间:2024-07-20 00:06:11


In the relationship of education to business we observe today a fine state of paradox. On the one hand, the emphasis which most business places upon a college degree is so great that one can almost visualize the time when even the office boy will have his baccalaureate. On the other hand, we seem to preserve the belief that some deep intellectual chasm separates the businessman from other products of the university system. The notion that business people are quite the Philistines sounds absurd. For some reason, we tend to characterize vocations by stereotypes, none too flattering but nonetheless deeply imbedded in the national conscience; In the cast of characters the businessman comes on stage as a crass and uncouth person. It is not a pleasant conception and no more truthful or less unpleasant than our other stereotypes.
Business is made up of people with all kinds of backgrounds, all kinds of motivations, and all kinds of tastes, just as in any other form of human ende
A. prevalent egoism among businessmen
B. the fierce social competition
C. racial discrimination
D. sheer misunderstanding of other people

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In the relationship of education to business we observe today a fine state of paradox. On the one hand, the emphasis which most business places upon a college degree is so great that one can almost visualize the time when even the office boy will have his baccalaureate. On the other hand, we seem to preserve the belief that some deep intellectual chasm separates the businessman from other products of the university system. The notion that business people are quite the Philistines sounds absurd. For some reason, we tend to characterize vocations by stereotypes, none too flattering but nonetheless deeply imbedded in the national conscience; In the cast of characters the businessman comes on stage as a crass and uncouth person. It is not a pleasant conception and no more truthful or less unpleasant than our other stereotypes.
Business is made up of people with all kinds of backgrounds, all kinds of motivations, and all kinds of tastes, just as in any other form of human ende
A. People in all vocations are unwilling to conform to a general pattern.
B. Conformity is a special characteristic of business.
C. Businessmen are all original thinkers.
D. Businessmen are provided with greater opportunities than people in other profession.

[单项选择]What is the real relationship between education and economic development
A. Continuing economic growth promotes the development of education.
B. Education should be the highest priorities for promoting rapid economic development.
C. Economic development is priority to education.
D. Governments have to force education when they develop economy.
[多项选择]In marine chartering business, the relationship between the parties is governed by the charter party. The payment of hire and delivery/redelivery clauses normally appear in forms of ( ).
[单项选择]We need to create education standards that prepare our next generation who will be with an even more competitive market.
A. tackled
B. encountered
C. dealt
D. confronted
[单项选择]What can we know about the Department of Education in Britain

A. It exercises direct control on the universities.
B. It takes responsibility for the whole expenditure of the universities.
C. It scarcely takes the advice of the University Grants Committee.
D. It has little influence on new developments of the university.
[单项选择]We look forward to ()our relationship with your company
A. strengthen
B. strength
C. strengthening
D. be strengthened
[单项选择]we are delighted to establish business relationship with you.()
A. be established
B. establishing
C. be establishing
D. have established
[单项选择]We had a ______ lesson in ideological education yesterday and were deeply impressed.
A. profound
B. deep
C. extreme
D. shallow
[单项选择]We have lost considerable business on account of your delay in dispatching.

A. 由于你方装船推迟,我方已失去相当多的贸易。
B. 你们推迟离开,我们已丢失相当的生意款项。
C. 由于你方装船延迟,我方已失去大笔贸易。
D. 由于你们推迟装船,我们丢失相当数量的生意。


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