发布时间:2023-11-09 00:14:52

[多项选择]学生:IQ和EQ哪个更重要您能否给我指点一下 学长:你去书店问问工作人员,关于IQ、EQ的书哪类销得快,哪类就更重要。以下哪项与上述题干中的问答方式最为相似
A. 员工:我们正制订一个度假方案,你说是在本市好,还是去外地好 经理:现在年终了,各公司都在安排出去旅游,你去问问其他公司的同行,他们计划去哪里,我们就不去哪里,不凑热闹。
B. 平平:母亲节那天我准备给妈妈送一样礼物,你说是送花好还是巧克力好 佳佳:你在母亲节前一天去花店看一下,看看买花的人多不多就行了嘛。
C. 顾客:我准备买一件毛衣,你看颜色是鲜艳一点,还是素一点好 店员:这个需要结合自己的性格与穿衣习惯,各人可以有自己的选择与喜好。
D. 游客:我们前面有两条山路,走哪一条更好 导游:你仔细看看,哪一条山路上车马的痕迹深,我们就走哪一条。
E. 学生:我正在准备期末复习,是做教材上的练习重要还是理解教材内容更重要 老师:你去问问高年级得分高的同学,他们是否经常背书做练习。

更多"学生:IQ和EQ哪个更重要您能否给我指点一下 学长:你去书店问问工作"的相关试题:

这段文字意在说明( )。
A. 大学生增强实力才能参与竞争
B. 现代社会最重要的是竞争实力
C. 学生考上好大学一定有好的发展
D. 到大城市并非等于一定要有好的发展
[单项选择]两名IQ相似的学生以同样优秀的成绩考上了某大学。但进大学以后,甲生成绩保持优秀,而乙生成绩多门不及格,在留级线上挣扎。有效学习的内部因素分析,导致两名学生成绩显著差异的最可能原因是 ( )
A. 学习方法
B. 学习动机
C. 学习习惯
D. 动机与方法的结合
[单项选择]IQ是( )。
A. 智力
B. 无参考价值
C. 真正的智力值
D. 智力的估计值
[单项选择]掌握学习理论认为,学生能力上的差异并不能决定他们能否成功掌握教学内容,而是在于他们( )。
A. 学习积极性
B. 学习自觉性
C. 要花多少时间
D. 智力水平
[单项选择]智商(IQ)等于( )。
A. 智力年龄与实际年龄之比乘以100
B. 实际年龄与智力年龄之比乘以100
C. 心理年龄与生理年龄之比乘以100
D. 生理年龄与实际年龄之比乘以100
[单项选择]All metals are found not to conduct electricity equally well()
A. 人们发现并不是所有金属的导电性能都一样好。
B. 人们发现所有金属不能同等用来导电。
C. 所有金属被发现不能同样好地发电。
D. 人们发现所的金属并不都是为了很好地发电。
A. 注重猜重点,押考题
B. 只记忆零碎知识,养成不求甚解的习惯
C. 答卷费时,速度慢
D. 提高文字表达能力
Young Adults Who Exercise Get Higher IQ Scores

Young adults who are fit have a higher IQ and are more likely to go on to university, reveals a major new study (51) out at the Sahlgrenska Academy and Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
The results were recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). The study (52) 1.2 million Swedish men doing military service who were horn between 1950 and 1976. The research group analyzed the (53) of both physical and IQ tests the youngsters took right after they started serving the army.
The study shows a clear link (54) good physical fitness and ]wrier results for the IQ lest. The strongest links are for (55) thinking and verbal comprehension. But it is only fitness that plays a (56) in the results for the IQ lest. and not strength. "Being fit means that you also have good heart and lung (57) and tha
A. put
B. carried
C. cut
D. taken

Human intelligence and the IQ scales used to measure it once again are becoming the focus of fiery debate.
As argument rages over declining test scores in the nation’s schools ,an old but explosive issue is reappearing ;What is intelligence -- and is it determined largely by genetics
The controversy erupted more than a decade ago when some U. S. scholars saw a racial pattern in the differing scores of students taking intelligence and college-entrance tests.
Now, the racial issue is being joined by others. Teachers, psychologists, scientists and lawyers argue over the question of whether IQ -- intelligence quotient -- tests actually measure mental ability, or if findings are skewed by such factors ’as family background, poverty and emotional disorders.
Moreover, some authorities assert that the rise in the number of college-educated Americans and their tendency to marry among themselves are creating a class of supers mart children of bra
A. the newly found racial pattern underlying students’ performance.
B. the worsening students’ performance in their studies.
C. the long-standing division in the definition of intelligence.
D. the dubious IQ scales used to measure intelligence.


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