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发布时间:2023-10-22 16:40:17

[单项选择]Pleasant working atmosphere not only impresses foreign experts but also motivates each staff member to work enthusiastically and creatively()
A. 宜人的气候不仅使外国专家深有感触,同时也使每一位工作人员心情开朗,生机勃勃。
B. 和谐的工作氛围不仅使外国专家颇有感受,也带动每一位参谋部的成员们热情奔放地工作。
C. 让人感到轻松愉快的工作气氛不仅给外国专家留下深刻印象,也促使每个员工去积极地创新。
D. 愉快的工作氛围不仅让外国专家们感受深刻,也推动每个员工热情工作,为集体出谋划策。

更多"Pleasant working atmosphere not onl"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Working only 8 hours a day is ______ to finish such a big project.

A. inadequate
B. incapable
C. incompatible
D. invalid
[单项选择]Not only was she hard-working,()
A. how beautiful she was
B. was she helpful
C. but she was also polite
D. what a beautiful girl
[单项选择]He had been working for the whole morning, only ______ to have a cup of tea.

A. breaking down
B. breaking off
C. breaking through
D. breaking up
[单项选择]You( )be tired, for you've only been working for an hour.
A. must not
B. won't
C. can't
D. may not
[单项选择]Working in the library is not his only ______.
A. profession
B. employment
C. prohibition
D. custom
[单项选择]You ______ be tired, for you've only been working for an hour.
[单项选择]You ______be too tired-you've only been working for an hour.
[单项选择]Conventional computer models of the atmosphere fails to predict such a short-lived tornado because______.

A. the computer is not used to forecast specific local events
B. the computers are not advanced enough to predict it
C. the weather data people collect are often wrong
D. weather conditions in some small regions are not available
[单项选择]His pleasant personality is derived from his good humor and understanding.()
A. 由于他性情好又富于同情心,所以他招人喜爱。
B. 他性格好,这是因为他心情好并且通情达理的缘故。
C. 他良好的个性源自于他良好的性情和理解力。
D. 他心情愉快,通情达理,所以性格开朗。
[单项选择]The atmosphere is consisted of certain gases mixed together in definite proportions.( ).
A. The atmosphere
B. is consisted
C. mixed together
D. in
[单项选择]Quantity of energy contained in the atmosphere is ______.
A. smaller than that in coal alone
B. smaller than that either in oil or in gas that we have on Earth
C. greater than that in coal, oil and gas on Earth combined
D. greater than that in coal, oil and gas on Earth, respectively
[单项选择]-- Was the driving pleasant when you vacationed in country last summer
-- No, it ______ for four days when we arrived, so the roads were very dirty.

A. was raining
B. would be raining
C. had been raining
D. have rained


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