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发布时间:2024-07-07 07:31:42

[单项选择]The difficulty for Letizia to fit in the royal life may lie in ______.

A. how to meet the requirements of the Queen
B. how to change her character to fit in the royal family
C. how to continue her career after marriage
D. how to face her former audience as a princess

更多"The difficulty for Letizia to fit i"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Letizia's interruption of the prince when they talked to the press was most probably prompted by her

A. curiosity
B. innocence
C. outspokenness
D. rudeness
[单项选择]Letizia used to be a news anchor who was ______.

A. world-famous
B. frank
C. serious
D. capable
[单项选择]The purpose of new technologies is to make our life easier, ______it more diffi-cult.

A. not make
B. not to make
C. not making
D. do not make
[单项选择]With an eighty-hour week and little enjoyment, life must have been very ______ for the nineteenth-century factory workers.

A. hostile
B. anxious
C. tedious
D. obscure
[单项选择]Many newcomers complain of the rapid ______ of life in Hong Kong.
A. rate
B. pace
C. speed
D. growth
[单项选择]What a lovely party ! It's worth ______ all my life.
A. remembering
B. to remember
C. to be remembered
D. being remembered
[单项选择]You can hardly imagine the difficulty the woman had ______ her children.

A. brought up
B. to bring up
C. bringing up
D. to have brought up
[单项选择]According to the passage, what difficulty did the social and behavioral sciences confront in the 1970's
A. The social and behavioral sciences lost out in the race for federal science funds.
B. Governments are more than alarmed about a variety of social problem.
C. Nearly half of all urban dwelling American males can expect to be arrested for some non-traffic offense during their lives.
D. Most criminals halt their careers by age 25 to 30.
[单项选择]Peter had difficulty swimming across the lake, but he finally succeeded on his fourth ______.
A. attempt
B. process
C. display
D. instance
[单项选择]You can hardly imagine the difficulty the single mum had ()her children.
A. brought up
B. to bring up
C. bringing up
D. to have brought up
[单项选择]You can never imagine what great difficulty I have______ your house.

A. found
B. to find
C. finding
D. for finding
[单项选择]Did you have any difficulty getting this work done
A. 在完成这个工作的过程中你是否遇到了困难
B. 你完成这个工作有什么困难吗
C. 你有困难但还是要让这个工作做成了吗
D. 得到这个工作做起来有困难吗
[单项选择]______ London of Dickens' time comes to ______ life in his books.

A. The, /
B. /, /
C. /, the
D. The, the
[单项选择]To overcome the difficulty they were faced with, several companies ______ to form a big one.
A. linked
B. united
C. joined
D. connected
[单项选择]One difficulty has been solved. But another one will ______.
A) arise C) arouse
B) rise D) arose

A. One difficulty has been solved. But another one will ______.
B. arise
C. rise
D. arouse
E. arose
[单选题]FIT AP与FAT AP的主要区别是()。
[单项选择]The most important reason why royal wedding causes such a great interest is that"______".

A. a commoner is married into a royal family
B. the prince finally finds his bride
C. a famous TV journalist gets married
D. the wedding is expensive
[单项选择]In ancient Egyptian paintings, royal figures were differentiated by making them several times larger than others.
A. distinguished
B. estranged
C. deferred
D. enlarged


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