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发布时间:2023-10-10 04:51:54

[单项选择]According to the selection some species that live where there is no light have ______.
A. long, sensitive feelers
B. luminous fins
C. enormous owl-like eye
D. no actual eyes

更多"According to the selection some spe"的相关试题:

[单项选择]According to some linguists, the reason why South Koreans can't pronounce "Rice" correctly is that ______.

A. South Koreans do not care much about English pronunciation
B. their physical disability keeps them from doing so
C. Korean language does not include the phonetic sounds "L" and "R"
D. they are deaf to the different pronunciation of some letters
[单项选择]According to some scientists, human beings do possess some super-natural power.
A. numerous
B. numinous
C. luciferous
D. ludicrous
[单项选择]According to the passage some guests may be invited because ______.
A. they are likely to be annoyed if they are not
B. they may give valuable presents
C. their presence could provide future benefits
D. they may help with the expenses of the wedding
[单项选择]According to the author, some politicians attribute the society's deteriorated moral values to ______.

A. deficient values
B. denunciatory atmosphere
C. improper entertainment
D. wrong priorities
[单项选择]According to the passage, some have criticized the changes because they________.

A. ignore local and state taxes
B. were not discussed in public
C. are not in accordance with federal law
D. leave many families unable to pay for college
[单项选择]According to the passage, some job applicants were rejected______.

[单项选择]According to the passage, some tornadoes take people unaware because they ______.

A. produce a sound similar to thunder
B. cannot be seen until it is too late
C. look so much like other clouds
D. carry so many large pieces of debris
[单项选择]According to the passage, some slumdwellers are not interested in improving their environments because they ______.

A. are unsure of their residency
B. dislike urbanization
C. are used to the president environment
D. are homogeneous and anonymous
[单项选择]According to the observation of some scientists, we will be short of energy in the near future()
A. 按照科学家的观察,在将来我们将缺少能源。
B. 据科学家观察,不久的将来我们面临能源危机。
C. 按照一些科学家的说法,我们在将来会面临能源短缺。
D. 据科学家观察,人的寿命会因能源问题而变短。
[单项选择]According to this passage, some animals have the gift of ______.

A. telling people apart by how they behave
B. typing each other
C. telling good people from had people
D. recognizing human faces
[单项选择]In Kraemer's opinion, if some species died out, it would possibly______.

A. affect the existence of other species
B. do good to other species
C. reproduce the species in the future
D. clone the species right now
[单项选择]According to the passage, why are some people possibly reluctant to hire an interior designer

[单项选择]According to the passage, those who live in a traditional family ______.

A. can get more help from their family members if they are in trouble
B. will have more freedom of action and thought if they move away from it
C. are less likely to quarrel with others because of conventionality and stability
D. have to depend on their relatives and friends if they do not move away from it
[单项选择]According to the passage, in the late 1960' s some residents of Boston were concerned with which aspect of skyscrapers

[多项选择]Some people say that older people should live with their adult children. Others say that they shouldn’t. Which do you think is good practice
In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion with a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Write your essay on the ANSWER SHEET.
[填空题]According to the passage, tube worms live on ______.


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