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发布时间:2023-10-02 14:53:29

[单项选择]At the meeting, Smith argued ()in favor of the proposal.
A. severely
B. warmly
C. forcefully
D. heavily

更多"At the meeting, Smith argued ()in f"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Franklin Roosevelt argued that the depression stemmed from the American economy's ______ flaws.
A. underlining
B. vulnerable
C. vulgar
D. underlying
[单项选择]The promoters of the construction have argued that ______.

A. the sports complex would be too small to alter the historic site
B. some areas of the battlefield are now beneath the sea
C. the site is already ruined and the construction will rescue it
D. the project would boom the sluggish economy
[单项选择]A school of behavioral economists has long argued that when it comes to money, people are incapable of acting in their own best interest -- that decisions result from impulse and overconfidence as much as from reason. Smart folks, in other words, are just as likely to soon part with their money as all those fools.The truly bad news is that smart companies are just as prone to make terrible decisions for the same reason. Take one of the biggest business decisions of all— merger. Research consistently shows that most mergers fail in every sense of the word, from falling stock prices to lower profitability after the merger. Yet, even with suffering capital markets, a recent Hewitt Associates study found that more than half of the 70 senior executives and board members surveyed planned to step up merger activity during the next three years. Why Call it executive hubris. CEOs are not different from the rest of us in that they fall prey to the self-enhancement bias: we all like to think we are intelligent and efficacious. So we overestimate our abilities. That’s why studies show that significantly more than half of all people believe they are above average -- in negotiating ability, even in income, This overly optimistic view is, of course, worse for CEOs- afar all, they generally are way above average. Btu the result is the same: bad decisions. One study, by business school professors Matthew Hayward and Donald Hambrick, showed that the greater the hubris of the chief executive, the more a company tends to overpay for acquisitions.The aphorism "Pride goeth before a fall" seems to hold true in business too. When executives are confronted with the appalling statistics, their first response goes something like this: "That may happen to other companies, but not ours. This acquisition will be more successful. We have learned."The next CEO challenge is persuading a possibly recalcitrant board of directors to let you pursue your urge to merge. Hubris, again, returns to center stage. You paint a picture of doom and gloom that will result if you don’t merge. Take a look at one of the rationales given for the merger of Hewlett-Packard and Compaq, two companies with poor operating track records. The argument was that PCs were becoming a commodity industry, consolidation was inevitable, and if HP didn’t do the consolidating, it would soon be one of the consolidated. Here’s another variant of the same rationale: If you don’t buy the target company, your competitor will -- and you’ll lose out. This gambit uses the influence strategy of scarcity -- we want what we can’t have, and we find particularly desirable anything that we may lose to someone else.Here’s how to avoid hubris-fueled merger mania. First, follow the adage from medicine: Forgive and remember. Go back and evaluate past merger decisions, admit when you were wrong, figure out why, and learn from it.Second, beware of too much agreement in the board room. When Alfred Sloan ran General Motors, if he couldn’t find opposition to a decision, he’d postpone it. He interpreted a lack of dissent as a lack of analysis. Find, even encourage, people to disagree with you, so that all sides of the decision are examined. Mostly, we like those who agree with us. But as one of my colleagues likes to point out, if two people agree all the time, one of them is redundant.The urge to merge is still like an addiction in many companies: Doing deals is much more fun and interesting than fixing fundamental problems. So, as in dealing with any other addiction or temptation, maybe it is best to just say no.What is the argument in the first paragraph about earning money
A. People are likely to make decisions reasonably.
B. Behavioral economists are likely to act with overconfidence.
C. Clever people are capable to earn a great fortune.
D. Intelligent people tend to behave the same with the foolish on
[单项选择]It has been argued that where schools become bureaucratized, they become bound up with the techniques and implementation of the managerial process, and may concentrate on concem with position and self-advancement.In so doing, they may neglect the purpose for which they were set up.
Thus, they do not facilitate the development of those who are part of the school community, and tend to neglect the desires of children, parents and society at large.
It is because of such criticisms that there has been an increasing influence in political rhetoric and legislation of free-market theories of organization and society.Such theories suggest that a much more market-oriented, competitive approach is required so that schools reorient themselves towards their"clients".By so doing, it is claimed, not only do they once again address the needs of those with whom they should be primarily concemed, but such an approach also unleashes the benefits of individual responsibility,freedom of choice,
A. concerns that schools deliberately neglect students
B. the high cost of education due to bureaucracy
C. a perception of them as self-serving and bureaucratic
D. a misunderstanding of schools officials
A. 近折端向掌移位
B. 近侧端向背移位
C. 远折端向前移位
D. 远折端向后移位
E. 短缩移位
[填空题]Mr. Mike Smith

[单项选择]The defendant's lawyer argued that his past offences were______ to this case.

A. irrational
B. unreasonable
C. invalid
D. irrelevant
[简答题]As argued above, this paper aims at illustrating that the budget is not an insignificant reality in hospitality but a brand new product concept which will strongly affect competition in the industry. Therefore this section focuses on budget hotels from the management perspective and holds that budget hotels represent a good example of the proactive attitude illustrative of the strategic management process applied in the international hospitality industry.

[单项选择]Who organized the meeting

A. The World Bank.
B. The European Union.
C. The Hague.
D. The European Union and the World Bank.
[填空题]Mr.Smith paid much money for the suit.
Mr.Smith ______ much money On the suit.


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