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[单项选择]which of the following does the passage indicate about joyce carol Oate first publication

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[单项选择]Which of the following does the passage indicate about Joyce Carol Oates first publication

[单项选择]Which of the following does the passage suggest about Joyce Carol Oates in terms of her writing career

A. She has experienced long nonproductive periods in her writing.
B. Her style is imitative of other contemporary authors.
C. She has produced a surprising amount of fictions in a relative short time.
D. Most of her work is based on personal experience.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements does the passage support

A. The new scheme will eliminate the poaching in national parks.
B. Bushmen are too poorly educated to use modern technology.
C. Use of the CyberTracker will help to preserve rare animals.
D. The new system has doomed the kudu population.
[单项选择]According to the passage Which of the following statements is NOT the reason for "Poverty is dirty"

A. Hot water is a luxury.
B. The poor had no money for soap.
C. Cold water does not help wash the dishes clean.
D. The children of the poor always make their clothes too dirty to be washed clean.
[简答题]Translate the following English passage into Chinese. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. Most textiles and apparel, cheese, chocolate, and a few other products are subject to U.S. import quotas. They serve to protect domestic industry by limiting the supply and therefore raising the prices of foreign products to U.S. consumers, and by allocating production among supplying countries. For example, a quota on Swiss cheese and so permits other countries to take part of the market. Foreign governments need systems for deciding which of their companies will be able to use their quotas in the U. S. Market, and, of course, they want to get the highest possible value of exports from the allowable quantities. They use different systems to allocate quotas, including auctioning them in blocks. Holders of quotas are often allowed to sell them to other suppliers, who hope to get higher prices from their U. S. Buyers. Customs and Border Protection helps many countries entrance their quota arrangements by requiring that import shipments of quota goods be accompanied by visas issued by the designated authorities in the exporting countries. This means that if your shipment of canned tuna from Thailand reaches U. S. Customs and there is no visa among the documents, it probably cannot be entered. You can apply to the Thai consulate for a visa, but it will not be granted unless the responsible agency in Bangkok gives its approval. If you get tangled up in the Electronic Certification System(eCERT)and the Electronic Visa Information System(ELVIS), you will probably wish it were the Elvis from Graceland, not Customs. Classification specialists in district Customs offices should know the details of quotas on the items they handle, but even they cannot always tell you the annual quota on a specific item from a specific country or how much of the year"s quota is still unfilled. They can, however, translate the HS number of your product into a " Quota Category Number" and tell you where to look to find the quota level and its current status of fulfillment.
[单项选择]The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses ______.

A. unusual ways to advertise products
B. types of payment plans for service
C. theories about how products affect different levels of society
D. how certain elements of a price "package" influence its market value
[单项选择]The paragraph following the passage will most probably discuss ______ .

[单项选择]The paragraphs following the passage most likely discuss which of the following

A. The remaining layers of the Sun.
B. The evolution of the Sun to its present form.
C. The eclipse of February 1979.
D. The scientists who study astronomy.
[单项选择]The passage suggests which of the following about the increased resistance to harmful root fungi that some Plants infected with mycorrhizal fungi seem to exhibit
A. There are at least three hypotheses that might account for the increase.
B. The plants that show increased resistance also exhibit improved nitrogen fixation.
C. Such increases may be independent of mycorrhizal infection.
D. It is unlikely that a satisfactory explanation can be found to account for the increas
[单项选择]The passage supports which of the following conclusions

A. Without formal education, people would remain ignorant.
B. Education systems need to be radically reformed.
C. Going to school is only part of how people become educated.
D. Education involves many years of professional training.

Passage Two
Does a bee know what is going on in its mind when it navigates its way to distant food sources and back to the hive (蜂房), using polarized sunlight and the tiny magnet it carries as a navigational aid Or is the bee just a machine, unable to do its mathematics and dance its language in any other way To use Donald GrifTm’s term, does a bee have awareness, or to use a phrase I like better, can a bee think and imagine
There is an experiment for this, or at least an observation, make long ago by Karl Von Frisch and more recently confirmed by James Gould at Princeton, Biologists who wish to study such things as bee navigation, language, and behavior in general have to train their bees to fly from the hive to one or another special place. To do this, they begin by placing a source of sugar very close to the hive so that the bees (considered by their trainers to be very dumb beasts) can learn what the game is about. Then, at regular intervals, the
A. The bees are not likely to sting the scientists in the experiment.
B. Bees are unable to navigate 100 feet beyond their hive.
C. Experimenting on bees is too dangerous to be successful.
D. Bees are able to perform limited reasoning tasks.

[单项选择]According to the passage, which of the following words can be used to describe an ambassador's work

A. Extravagant.
B. Exciting.
C. Trivial.
D. Demandin
[单项选择]According to the passage, which of the following statement is true

A. A change in the educational system will eliminate the need to cheat.
B. The problem of student cheating has its roots in deeper problems.
C. Students do not cheat on essay tests.
D. Punishment is an effective method of stopping cheating.
[单项选择]According to the passage, which of the following is not true

A. Galileo did not solve the problem of the water-pump.
B. When a scientist tries to establish a scientific law, he must collect much information.
C. An original hypothesis is not always accepted.
D. Using a good vacuum pump, it is possible to raise water from the bottom of a building to the roof 50 feet above.


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