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发布时间:2023-10-29 00:40:44

[单项选择]The repair work involved modifying two of the windows.
A. clearing
B. changing
C. mending
D. painting

更多"The repair work involved modifying "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The repair work involved modifying two of the windows.
A. clearing
B. changing
C. mending
D. painting
[单项选择]The repair work involved {{U}}modifying{{/U}} two of the windows.
A. clearing
B. changing
C. mending
D. painting
[单项选择]Helping a sick neighbor with some repair work is an example of ______.

A. instrumental support
B. informational support
C. social companionship
D. the strengthening of self-respect
[单项选择]As he is going to work in Holland for two years, he will be parted from his two children.
A. stayed
B. separated
C. far
D. worked
[单项选择]You have to work in this position for two years ________ getting promoted.
A. on
B. since
C. with
D. before

Passage Two
The men work all week in the factory, and at the end of the week they get their pay. Naturally enough, they open the envelopes and they all count the money. One man is standing in the comer. He’s counting his money. Suddenly he realizes that it is wrong. He counts the money again. No doubt about it--there is a mistake. There is too much. Five pounds too much. He puts his money carefully in his pocket and says nothing to the others. A week goes by. It’s payday again. The men ate counting their pay. The same man is standing in the comer. Suddenly he starts shouting. This time there isn’t enough money in his envelope. It’s five pounds short. He goes immediately to see the boss. He is very angry.
"Look," he says, "there isn’t enough money in my pay envelope." ’What’s right," says the boss. "But didn’t you notice last week There was a mistake. There was too much. Fiver poun
A. He goes to see the boss immediately.
B. He gives the five pounds back to the boss.
C. He puts the money secretly in his pocket.
D. He says something about that to others.


Passage Two
What is wind You can feel it, and you can sometimes hear it, too. You can’t see the wind, but you can see all kinds of plants and flowers moving in the wind. Grass moves in the wind. So do trees. What is the wind It is moving air.
What makes the air move Think of two places. They may be close to each other, or they may be far away. The air is cold in one place. But it is hot in the other. Warm air pushes up high into the sky. It goes higher than the cold air. The colder air then moves into the place where the warmer air used to be. The moving air is wind.
Winds move clouds in the sky. A nice day can turn cloudy in a short while. Sometimes the clouds are big and dark. Big, dark clouds hold a lot of water. Soon it begins to rain.
High winds can make a storm come fast. They can make a lot of noise, too. Sometimes they sound like a train going by. Very high winds have picked up big things like cars and trucks from the ground. S
A. moving air
B. lighter clouds
C. air pressure
D. cold air


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