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发布时间:2023-10-22 00:17:10

[单项选择]Plants will emit an increased amount of heat when they are ______.

A. sprayed with pesticides
B. facing an infrared scanner
C. in poor physical condition
D. exposed to excessive sun rays

更多"Plants will emit an increased amoun"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Plants will emit an increased amount of heat when they are ______.

A. sprayed with pesticides
B. facing an infrared scanner
C. in poor physical condition
D. exposed to excessive sun rays
[单项选择]The amount of heat produced by this electrical apparatus is( )at will by turning a small handle.
A. different
B. diverse
C. variable
D. various
[单项选择]In no way()the amount of heat.
A. the temperature equals
B. does the temperature equal
C. equals the temperature
D. do the temperature equal
[单项选择]Some crystals emit visible light when ______ by ionizing particles.
A. burned
B. struck
C. excited
D. inspired
[单项选择]When the heat accumulates in the room, it will become so hot( ).
A. elects
B. collects
C. selects
D. reflects
[单项选择]When solid changes to liquid, it ______ heat from all substances near it and this reduces the temperature surrounding it.
A. takes in
B. takes on
C. takes off
D. takes down
[单项选择]When solid changes to liquid, it______heat from all substances near it and this reduces the temperature surrounding it.
A. takes in
B. takes on
C. takes off
D. takes down
A. 抗原
B. 抗体
C. 半抗原
D. 不完全抗体
E. 抗原抗体复合物
A. camera : picture
B. snake : fang
C. car : exhaust
D. photosynthesis : oxygen
E. exhalation : toxin
[单项选择]What amount do venture capitalists' generally earn on their investment of time and capital Ⅰ. Management fees of 1~2.5% of capital commitment Ⅱ. Management fees of 1~2.5% of capital invested Ⅲ. 80% of portfolio gain Ⅳ. 20% of portfolio gain

The Middle East countries have the largest amount of oil. They have more oil than all the other regions together.
Oil was first discovered in the Middle East in 1908. the first oil field was open in Iran-the famous Masjid-I-Salainman fields. A few years later men found oil in other Middle East countries. But they did not produce much oil at that time because nobody knew the size and value of the oil fields. Then, in 1982 oil was discovered on Bahrain Island. The men who discovered the oil said, if Bahrain has oil, there may be a lot of oilfields in and around the Arabian Gulf.
Immediately men began to search oil in the countries around Gulf. During the next few years, oil was found in many places. The Middle East oil industry then grew fast.
Today this region produces a third of the world’ oil supplies. The Middle East countries now export more oil than any other region. They do not need all their oil. So they are able to export most of their
A. There is some oil than in the United States of America and Canada.
B. There is a third of the world' oil.
C. There is less oil than Africa.
D. There is more oil than in all the other regions together.


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