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发布时间:2024-02-13 21:01:43

[单项选择]______warm it is!

更多"______warm it is!"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which of following tends to warm the climate
A. To develop the irrigation system.
B. To promote organic agriculture.
C. To revert to hunting and gathering.
D. To turn farmland back into forest.
[单项选择]In support of the unusual warm clothes some people wear, what can we infer from such a phenomenon

[单项选择]After the neutral warm-up, US negotiating partners quickly___the point.
A. see to
B. get to
C. leave out
D. go by

Birds are warm-blooded, vertebrate animals whose bodies are covered with feathers. Other characteristics of birds are: wings; a short tail bone; the visible tail being composed entirely of feathers; a weak or nonexistent sense of smell; no teeth; and keen hearing, despite the absence of external ears. As in mammals (哺乳动物), the only other group of warm-blooded animals, the blood in the veins (静脉) of birds is kept totally separated from the blood in the arteries (动脉).
Birds evolved from reptiles, especially from some small dinosaur-relative. Gradually the scales of the dinosaur evolved into feathers, perhaps first for insulation as the animal evolved from cord to wing blade but later for flight. It is still unknown, however, whether flight developed when a ground-living form began to flap its wings to increase its running speed (like the ostrich today), or when a tree climbing form used imperfect wings to aid it in leaping from tree limb to tree limb. The evolution
A. All the senses of birds are very keen.
B. All birds can fly.
C. The earliest classification of birds was not very sound or scientific.
D. Birds were given a sound and scientific classification from the very beginnin

[单项选择]They ( ) a Warm welcome to our visit.
A. provide
B. offer
C. extend
D. show
[单项选择]John's mindless exterior concealed a warm and kindhearted nature.
A. appearance
B. personality
C. outlook
D. temper
[单项选择]How did people in the early Ice Age keep warm

A. They lived in large groups.
B. They used sand as insulation.
C. They kept fires burning constantly.
D. They faced their homes toward the sout
[单项选择]Praise is like warm sunlight, which will not only bring joy to those who are praised but also add more pleasure to those who praise.

A. 表扬像温暖的阳光一样,不但给被表扬的人带来快乐,也会给表扬者带来更多的幸福。
B. 赞美像温暖的阳光,不仅给被表扬者带来高兴,也会给表扬者带来快乐。
C. 赞扬犹如温暖的阳光,它不仅会给被赞扬者带来欢乐,也会给赞扬者带来更多的愉快。
D. 唱歌像阳光,阳光不但给唱歌的人带来快乐,而且给听者带来快乐。
[单项选择]Many houses in the north are warm in winter because they are ______ so that the heat is not lost.

A. isolated
B. insulated
C. imparted
D. integrated


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