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发布时间:2023-12-21 20:53:13

[单项选择]They ( ) a Warm welcome to our visit.
A. provide
B. offer
C. extend
D. show

更多"They ( ) a Warm welcome to our vis"的相关试题:

[单项选择]They () a warm welcome to our visit.
A. provide
B. offer
C. extend
D. show
[单项选择]They ( ) a Warm welcome to our visit.
A. provide
B. offer
C. extend
D. show

Welcome to our introductory course on nutrition. This first lecture will center on a very valuable member of the beam family. The soy bean (大豆)is a highly nutritious bean which also can serve as a meat substitute. Some people call soy beans incredible. Let me give you some examples of why the soy bean is so special. First of all, when it is made into meal, it enhances animal feed. Secondly, as soy four it similarly enriches the baked goods we humans eat. Thirdly, as soy chips or flakes, it’s often included in cereals. And lastly, In some countries, for example, China. The soy beam is processed into virtually all fresh milk consumed there. It is also the basic ingredient of textured vegetable protein which brings a meat-like taste and feel to vegetarian dishes. For many years soy bean were thought of in the United States only as a commercial agricultural crop. Now, however, the soy bean is being, raised in backyard gardens, It’s easy to grow and, as I have poin
A. a food producer
B. an English language teacher
C. a nutrition professor
D. an American Chinese

[单项选择]One of the consequences of our planet's being warming up is a(n) ______ in the number of natural disasters.
A. result
B. account
C. reason
D. increase
[单项选择]______ my school, I'd like to extend our warm welcome to all of you.
A) In honor of C) For the sake of
B) On behalf of D) By means of
[单项选择]Which of following tends to warm the climate
A. To develop the irrigation system.
B. To promote organic agriculture.
C. To revert to hunting and gathering.
D. To turn farmland back into forest.
[单项选择]In support of the unusual warm clothes some people wear, what can we infer from such a phenomenon

[单项选择]Our party is perfect with our great efforts
A. excellent
B. normal
C. common
D. casual
[单项选择]Many houses in the north are warm in winter because they are ______ so that the beat is not lost.

A. isolated
B. insulated
C. imparted
D. integrated


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