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发布时间:2023-10-09 00:13:13

[单项选择]In paragraph 2,"thc most important four" refers to______.

A. military position
B. business
C. cabinet posts
D. Kikuyus

更多"In paragraph 2,'thc most important "的相关试题:

[单项选择]In paragraph 2,"thc most important four" refers to______.
A. military position
B. business
C. cabinet posts
D. Kikuyus
[单项选择]In paragraph 2 ," the most important four" refers to ______.
A. military position
B. business
C. cabinet posts
D. Kikuyus
[单项选择]In paragraph 2, "the most important four" refers to ______.
A. military position
B. business
C. cabinet posts
D. Kikuyus
[单项选择]"Such a link" in the passage refers most probably to ______.
A. IPCC and climate changes
B. global temperatures and sea levels
C. natural changes and human activities
D. human activities and temperature rises
[单项选择]The word "spas" (Para. 1) most probably refers to ______.

A. sports activities
B. places for physical exercise
C. recreation centers
D. athletic training programs

Passage Four
The Ordinance of 1784 is most significant historically because it embodied the principle that new states should be formed from the western region and admitted to the Union on an equal basis with the original commonwealths. This principle, which underlay the whole later development of the continental United States, was generally accepted by this time and cannot be properly credited to any single man. Thomas Jefferson had presented precisely this idea to his own state of Virginia before the Declaration of Independence, however, and if he did not originate it he was certainly one of those who held it first. It had been basic in his own thinking about the future of the Republic throughout the struggle for independence. He had no desire to break from the British Empire simply to establish an American one--in which the newer region should be subsidiary and tributary to the old. What he dreamed of was an expanding union of self-governing commonwealths, joined
A. It was considered the most important doctrine of the day.
B. It received wide support at that time.
C. It was more popular in Virginia than elsewhere.
D. It was thought to be original and creative.


Passage Four
As the Beatles represent the most important English contribution to rock in the 1960’s, Bob Dylan is the most important American contributor. This is true in spite of the fact that he has never reached the top sale list of the record industry in the way the Beatles have.
Bob Dylan emerged from the popular folk movement during 1962 and 1963. His first two re cords, "Bob Dylan" and "the Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan, "appeared in those years and established his national reputation. This reputation grew slowly, and was helped by his appearance around New York City and at college concerts. As early as 1962, Dylan became known for the quality and quantity of his song-writing. And Dylan’ s material has reflected a social awareness and has always involved pro test against injustice. It has aroused a broad trend of similar songs in the present-day market. These elements, in combination with Dylan’ s particular sound
A. he produced two records
B. he wrote many good songs
C. he travelled to New York City
D. he often put on performances


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