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发布时间:2024-05-23 02:19:45

[单项选择]When the hedgehog feels threatened, it tucks its head into its chest and rolls itself into a spiny, ball-shaped mass.
A. prickly
B. motionless
C. bushy
D. spherical

更多"When the hedgehog feels threatened,"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The Security Council is effective only when its permanent members can reach a consensus because ______.
A. every permanent member has the veto right of great powers
B. all the permanent members won in the World War
C. the other members of the Security Council are in the charge of the permanent members
D. of some other reasons not mentioned in this passage
[单项选择]One feels rather relaxed when sitting here, enjoying the beauty of the scenery, in the shade of these ancient trees.
A. 坐在这里欣赏美景和古树的林荫,使人感到很放松。
B. 坐在这些古树的林荫下,欣赏这美丽的景色,真使人感到轻松愉快。
C. 坐在这里欣赏古树林荫下美景,使人感到相当轻松。
D. 在古树的林荫下坐着欣赏这美景,使人感到相当的轻松愉快。
[单项选择]When a diabetic patient feels uncomfortable while exercising, ______.
[单项选择]When did the spacecraft begin its observatory phase

A. April 24.
B. May 25.
C. April 25.
D. May 24.
[单项选择]When she does something, Mrs. Brown feels that her little child is al- ways ______.
A. under way
B. in the way
C. on the way
D. by the way
[单项选择]When did the company stop producing its own brand cola
[单项选择]When plutonium undergoes fission, its atoms break apart, giving off a great deal of energy
A. recoil
B. soften
C. fester
D. split
[单项选择]Even when he is with others, he feels rather ______.
A. alone
B. single
C. lonely
D. unique
[单项选择]When money loses its value ______.
A. it is no longer stable
B. goods will also lose their value
C. people will save more money
D. incomes will keep rising

When we use a word in speech and writing, its most obvious purpose is to point to some thing or relation or property. This is the word’s" meaning."
Let us suppose that the one grandparent of the dog was a collie, another was an Irish terrier, another a fox terrier, and the fourth a bulldog. We can express these facts equally scientifically and objectively by-saying that he is a dog of mixed breed. We have in no way gone be yond the requirements of exact scientific description.
Suppose, however, that we had called the same animal a" mongrel". The matter is more complicated. We have used a word which objectively means the same as" dog of mixed breed", but which also arouse in our hearers an emotional attitude of disapproval toward that particular dog. A word, therefore, can not only indicate an object; but can also suggest an emotional attitude toward it. Such suggestion of an emotional attitude does go beyond exact and scientific
A. our men showed spirit and heroism, while the Germans displayed ruthlessness
B. although our men acted heroically, they were almost as ruthless as the Germans
C. there was no difference between the actions of the Americans and those of the Germans
D. most people thought that with the passage of time they will realize how savage the Ger mans really were


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