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发布时间:2024-07-19 20:56:37


When we use a word in speech and writing, its most obvious purpose is to point to some thing or relation or property. This is the word’s" meaning."
Let us suppose that the one grandparent of the dog was a collie, another was an Irish terrier, another a fox terrier, and the fourth a bulldog. We can express these facts equally scientifically and objectively by-saying that he is a dog of mixed breed. We have in no way gone be yond the requirements of exact scientific description.
Suppose, however, that we had called the same animal a" mongrel". The matter is more complicated. We have used a word which objectively means the same as" dog of mixed breed", but which also arouse in our hearers an emotional attitude of disapproval toward that particular dog. A word, therefore, can not only indicate an object; but can also suggest an emotional attitude toward it. Such suggestion of an emotional attitude does go beyond exact and scientific
A. our men showed spirit and heroism, while the Germans displayed ruthlessness
B. although our men acted heroically, they were almost as ruthless as the Germans
C. there was no difference between the actions of the Americans and those of the Germans
D. most people thought that with the passage of time they will realize how savage the Ger mans really were

更多"When we use a word in speech and wr"的相关试题:


When we use a word in speech and writing, its most obvious purpose is to point to some thing or relation or property. This is the word’s" meaning."
Let us suppose that the one grandparent of the dog was a collie, another was an Irish terrier, another a fox terrier, and the fourth a bulldog. We can express these facts equally scientifically and objectively by-saying that he is a dog of mixed breed. We have in no way gone be yond the requirements of exact scientific description.
Suppose, however, that we had called the same animal a" mongrel". The matter is more complicated. We have used a word which objectively means the same as" dog of mixed breed", but which also arouse in our hearers an emotional attitude of disapproval toward that particular dog. A word, therefore, can not only indicate an object; but can also suggest an emotional attitude toward it. Such suggestion of an emotional attitude does go beyond exact and scientific
A. scientific subjects, emotional words are often used to make meaning clearer
B. debatable questions, objective terms are generally used to help clarify meanings
C. scientific subjects, objective terms are generally used, in groups to avoid controversy
D. debatable questions, emotional terms are used very often

[单项选择]In this text we feel most lonely when we are ______.
A. with people
B. at a lecture
C. at a party
D. alone
[单项选择]______ when we passed by its nest.
A. Up into the blue sky did the bird fly
B. Up into the blue sky the bird flew
C. Up into the blue sky flew the bird
D. Flew up into the blue sky the bird
[单项选择]When we talk with a foreign lady, in most cases we should not ask such personal questions as her age.
A. 但我们和一位外国女士谈话时,要防止我们问她个人问题,像年龄。
B. 但我们和一位外国女士谈话时,在很多事件中我们不应该问她如年龄这样的个人问题。
C. 与外国女士交谈时,在多数情况下我们不能把年龄作为个人问题来问。
D. 我们在同外国女士交谈时,多数情况下我们不问及年龄这样的个人隐私问题。
[单项选择]Most lecturers find it expedient to use notes when addressing to graduate students.
A. troublesome
B. expensive
C. useful
D. improper
[单项选择]When we use our imagination in making a plan ______.

A. we can be more sure of our goals
B. we will be clearer of our achievement
C. we will have a more practical mind
D. we will be more determined to finish it


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