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发布时间:2023-10-03 23:07:38

[单项选择]Madame Curie is believed ______radium.
A. discovers
B. having discovered
C. to discover
D. to have discovered

更多"Madame Curie is believed ______radi"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Madame Curie's ()encouraged many women to study science, and many of them().
A. succeeded ; succeeded
B. success ; success
C. succeeded; success
D. success ; succeeded
[单项选择]Madame Curie's_____encouraged many women to study science, and many of them_______.
A. succeeded; succeeded
B. success; success
C. succeeded; success
D. success; succeeded
[单项选择]Madame Ritas propose
[单项选择]A quelle condition Madame Vincent accepte finalement d’accorder à Monsieur Legrand un délai supplémentaire de paiement
A. régler au moins 50 % de la traite à l’échéance
B. régler plus de la moitié de la traite
C. régler 30 % de la traite
D. régler plus d’un tiers de la traite
[单项选择]The author believed that
[单项选择]Coffee was believed to
A. have a magic power for eye diseases.
B. have a religious influence among Muslims.
C. have intoxicated most political people.
D. have gained its fame first in London.
[单项选择]Marie Curie took little notice ______ the honours that were given to her in her later years.
A. of
B. on
C. about
D. chance
[单项选择]It was in that small room that Mr. and Mrs. Curie worked hard and dreamed of the beautiful future.
A. 在那个小房间,居里夫妇努力工作,同时有一个很美好的梦。
B. 就在那个小房间里,居里夫妇刻苦学习,对未来充满着幻想。
C. 就是在那间斗室里,居里夫妇勤奋地工作,憧憬着美好的未来。
D. 就在那个小房里,居里夫妇努力地工作,梦想着美好的未来。
[单项选择]It was in that small room that Mr. and Mrs.Curie worked hard and dreamed of the beautiful future.
A. 在那个小房间,居里夫妇努力工作,同时有一个很美好的梦。
B. 就在那个小房间里,居里夫妇刻苦学习,对未来充满着幻想。
C. 就是在那间斗室里,居里夫妇勤奋地工作,憧憬着美好的未来。
D. 就在那个小房里,居里夫妇努力地工作,梦想着美好的未来。
[单项选择] A quelle condition Madame Michèle peut-elle assurer l’installation de ce matériel
A. Si M. Gérard paie le salaire du technicien.
B. Si M. Gérard prend en charge les frais de séjour du technicien.
C. Si seulement Monsieur Gérard paie le voyage du technicien
D. Si Monsieur Gérard achète ce matériel
[单项选择]The author suggests that Aristotle believed which of the following was true of the dramatic art that existed prior to Aeschylus
A. (A) It was unusually resourceful in finding ways to extend the unity of time beyond a single day.
B. (B) It was less elegant than later drama because its disregard for unity of place necessitates the movement of the chorus.
C. (C) It tended to demonstrate better unity of time than of character and action.
D. (D) It did not employ a beginning middle or end, and this fell outside the acceptable range of dramatic principles.
E. (E) It tended to overemphasize the use of cause and effect, instead of the continuity of time, in organizing its action.
[单项选择]The ancient Egyptians believed all illnesses were related to __ was eaten.
A. which
B. it
C. what
D. that
[单项选择]Madame, on _____ vos valises jusque dans votre chambre.
A. montait
B. a monté
C. monterait
D. aura monté
[单项选择]People believed that Dwight would someday become a professor because of ______.

A. his eager pursuit of military history
B. his excellent grades in all subjects
C. his remarkable memory
D. his organizational ability
[单项选择]It is commonly believed that the more complicated animals developed from the simpler ones()
A. 人们认为,复杂的动物是由比较简单的动物发展而来的。
B. 人们普遍认为,较高级的动物是由比较低级的动物进化而来的。
C. 人们一般认为,动物都是从简单到复杂转变而来的。
D. 它被相信,动物的变化都是从麻烦到简单。
[单项选择]It is generally believed that African wild elephants are more difficult to ________ than Asian ones.
A. cultivated
B. tame
C. breed
D. tend


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