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发布时间:2023-11-01 06:45:48

[单项选择]Madame Ritas propose

更多"Madame Ritas propose"的相关试题:

A. (A) receive : offer
B. (B) engage : recruit
C. (C) assert : suggest
D. (D) eliminate : elect
E. (E) entrust : commit
[单项选择]A quelle condition Madame Vincent accepte finalement d’accorder à Monsieur Legrand un délai supplémentaire de paiement
A. régler au moins 50 % de la traite à l’échéance
B. régler plus de la moitié de la traite
C. régler 30 % de la traite
D. régler plus d’un tiers de la traite
[单项选择] A quelle condition Madame Michèle peut-elle assurer l’installation de ce matériel
A. Si M. Gérard paie le salaire du technicien.
B. Si M. Gérard prend en charge les frais de séjour du technicien.
C. Si seulement Monsieur Gérard paie le voyage du technicien
D. Si Monsieur Gérard achète ce matériel
[单项选择]Madame Curie's ()encouraged many women to study science, and many of them().
A. succeeded ; succeeded
B. success ; success
C. succeeded; success
D. success ; succeeded
[单项选择]What does the author propose to do as an alternative to the creation of the DHS
A. Install a state-of-art sprinkler system.
B. Reorganize some departments.
C. Make better use of the existing resources.
D. Include the CIA, the FBI and the National Security Agency.
[单项选择]There are other problems which I don't propose to ______ at the moment.
A. go into
B. go around
C. go for
D. go up
[单项选择]-- Bonjour, madame Rondeau.  --Bonjour.  --J’aurais un service à vous demander.  --Mais je vous en prie, ________ --Ma machine est en panne.
A. quoi
B. pourquoi pas
C. c’est pour quoi
D. comment a
[单项选择]Vous vous trompez, chère madame, on ne vend pas_____ viande ici.
A. de la
B. de
C. une
D. la
[单项选择]According to the author, what's the propose of putting funds in universities

A. Help industry develop new products.
B. Foster the growth of new science and technology.
C. Upgrade such fields as microelectronics and artificial intelligence.
D. Compete with industrial R & D.
[单项选择]Madame Curie is believed ______radium.
A. discovers
B. having discovered
C. to discover
D. to have discovered
[单项选择]Everything ______ into consideration, I propose that the first prize should be given to Liu Qiang.
A. to take
B. taking
C. taken
D. took
[单项选择]The advisers propose that the plan ______ postponed for a few weeks.
A. been
B. to be
C. be
D. being
[单项选择]The committee members propose that the plan ______. postponed for a few days.
A. to be
B. be
C. being
D. been


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