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发布时间:2023-10-23 00:48:49

[单项选择]In the passage, the author mentioned:" Eskimo words are highly inflected", this probably means
A. Eskimo words are full of forms
B. Eskimo words are difficult to spell
C. Eskimo words are numerous
D. Eskimo words are hard to understand

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Passage Two The Eskimo dog commanded by the Eskimo, is guided solely by voice and whip, the latter be ing from twelve to eighteen feet long. In the hands of the experienced dog runner, the whip becomes a marvelous instrument of precision. He can literally snap the tip of it on a dime(在极小的地方). The Eskimo, unspoiled by white man’s influence, is perhaps one of the most trusting and primitive of all Indians but seems to be indifferent to the welfare of his animals. In this he’ s simply a product of his environment where food is hard to get, hunger is frequent, and the climate for nine months of the year is marked by bitter cold and a long stretch of darkness. In consequence, his dogs have to earn their keep and earn it the hard way. Rarely is dog taken into the shelter of the family’ s home. His sleeping place, no matter how severe the weather, is a burrow(洞穴) in the snow. Rarely is the Eskimo dog permitted to wander. When his master is moved to travel, the d
A. his marvelous skills
B. his surrounding conditions
C. his living style
D. his tough temper

[单项选择]The author of the passage puts the word "savage" and "barbarian" (lines 9-10) in quotation marks most probably in order to
[单项选择]The author mentioned the studies in this passage to suggest that _________.
A. we should make better generalizations about types of people in the world
B. we should find better water supplies in some dry areas
C. we should gain insight into the influence of geographical environment on man
D. we should cultivate a favorable psychology and health in our own environment
[单项选择]According to the passage, the word "scoundrel" in Para. 5 can be best replaced by ______.
A. superman
B. movie
C. devil
D. play
[单项选择]In the context of the passage, the word "excessive" (line 29) most closely corresponds to which of the following phrases
A. Far more than can be justified by worker preferences
B. Far more than can be explained by fluctuations in product demand
C. Far more than can be beneficial to the success of the firms themselves
D. Far more than can be accounted for by an expanding national economy
[单项选择]In the second paragraph of the passage, the word "lounge about" probably means _______.
A. like
B. buy
C. kill time
D. hate
[单项选择]In this passage, the word "paralyzed" means unable to ______.
A. move
B. think
C. work
D. speak
[单项选择]According to the passage, the word "violation" would best be classified as a
A. (A) Function word
B. (B) Lexical word
C. (C) Concept word
D. (D) Category word
E. (E) Grammatical word
[单项选择]As it is used in the passage, the word "photosphere'' (Line 2, Para. 2) means ______.

A. a scarlet gaseous envelope surrounding the Sun
B. the luminous envelope of gas surrounding the Sun
C. the mixture of gasses that surrounds any planet or star
D. the luminous irregular envelope of highly ionized gas outside the chromospheres of the Sun
[单项选择]In this passage, the word" bargain" could best be replaced by" something ______."
A. given to people
B. offered at a reduced price
C. offered, sold or bought which is expensive
D. sold for the purpose of reaching an agreement
[单项选择]According to the passage, the word "Nowcast" (paragraph 3 ) means______.

A. a way of collecting raw weather data
B. a forecast which can predict the weather conditions in the small area in an accurate way
C. a network to collect instant weather data
D. a more advanced system of weather observation


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