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发布时间:2023-10-03 09:48:27


Passage Two The Eskimo dog commanded by the Eskimo, is guided solely by voice and whip, the latter be ing from twelve to eighteen feet long. In the hands of the experienced dog runner, the whip becomes a marvelous instrument of precision. He can literally snap the tip of it on a dime(在极小的地方). The Eskimo, unspoiled by white man’s influence, is perhaps one of the most trusting and primitive of all Indians but seems to be indifferent to the welfare of his animals. In this he’ s simply a product of his environment where food is hard to get, hunger is frequent, and the climate for nine months of the year is marked by bitter cold and a long stretch of darkness. In consequence, his dogs have to earn their keep and earn it the hard way. Rarely is dog taken into the shelter of the family’ s home. His sleeping place, no matter how severe the weather, is a burrow(洞穴) in the snow. Rarely is the Eskimo dog permitted to wander. When his master is moved to travel, the d
A. his marvelous skills
B. his surrounding conditions
C. his living style
D. his tough temper

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Passage Two The Eskimo dog commanded by the Eskimo, is guided solely by voice and whip, the latter be ing from twelve to eighteen feet long. In the hands of the experienced dog runner, the whip becomes a marvelous instrument of precision. He can literally snap the tip of it on a dime(在极小的地方). The Eskimo, unspoiled by white man’s influence, is perhaps one of the most trusting and primitive of all Indians but seems to be indifferent to the welfare of his animals. In this he’ s simply a product of his environment where food is hard to get, hunger is frequent, and the climate for nine months of the year is marked by bitter cold and a long stretch of darkness. In consequence, his dogs have to earn their keep and earn it the hard way. Rarely is dog taken into the shelter of the family’ s home. His sleeping place, no matter how severe the weather, is a burrow(洞穴) in the snow. Rarely is the Eskimo dog permitted to wander. When his master is moved to travel, the d
A. he is naturally cruel to animals


Passage One
The dog has always been considered man’ s best friend. Always noted for being particularly faithful in watching over children, he also has his place by the fireside, in the cow pasture, on the sheep range(放牧区), and beside the hunter in forest. He is easy to train, works hard, and often performs astonishing feats. And in the frozen polar regions he was once the principal motive power, before being lately displaced by the plane and helicopter.
Because he howls or whines in the presence of impending death, the dog was once thought to have supernatural powers and believed to be capable of seeing gods and ghosts invisible to men. Actually, the basis for these beliefs lies in the hound’ s sensibility to people’ s feelings and his superior hearing ability and sense of smell, which enable him to detect signs hidden from human observation. His record of saving lives is outstanding, for he often gives warning of fire and other dangers no
A. a treatment for rabies
B. open-heart surgery
C. a cure for distemper
D. all of the above

[单项选择]According to the passage, a dog can still move in a coordinated manner, eat and sleep, and even bark when__________.
A. nerve cells are removed
B. the skull is removed
C. the hemispheres are removed
D. the cerebral cortex is removed
[单项选择]According to the passage, two of the most famous writers of advice are ______.
A. Dear Abby and Dear Angel
B. Dear Ann Landers and Dear Angel
C. male writers
D. female writers
[单项选择]According to this passage, two research teams ______.
A. have determined the full range of contaminants in the water supply
B. have ascertained the geographic extent of the water pollution
C. have developed new methods to measure water contaminants
D. have succeeded in preventing drinking water from being polluted

Passage Two
Direct adverting includes all forms of sales appeals, mailed, delivered, or exhibited directly to the prospective buyer of an advertised product or service, without use of any indirect medium, such as newspapers or television.. Direct advertising logically may be divided into three broad classifications, namely, direct-mail advertising, mail order advertising, and unmailed direct advertising.
All forms of sales appeals that are sent through the mails are considered direct-mail advertising. The chief functions of direct-mail advertising are to familiarize prospective buyers with a product, its name, its maker, and its merits and with the product’ s local distributors. The direct-mail appeal is designed also to support the sales activities of retailers by encouraging the continued patronage of both old and new customers.
When no personal selling is involved, other methods are needed to persuade people to send in orders by mail. In ad
A. would be
B. prosperous
C. rich
D. old


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