The first person I came across who’d
got the measure of e-mall was an American friend who was high up in a big
corporation. Some years ago, when this method of communication first seeped into
business life from academia, his company in New York and its satellites across
the globe were among the first to get it. In the world’s great seats of
learning, e-mail had for some years allowed researchers to share vital new
jokes. And if there was cutting-edge wit to be had, there was no way my friend’s
corporation would be without it. One evening in New York, he was late for a drink we’d arranged. "Sorry," he said, "I’ve been away and had to deal with 998 e-mails in my queue." "Wow," I said, "I’m really surprised you made it before midnight." "It doesn’t really take that tong," be explained, "if you simply delete them all." True to form, he had A. (A) so that employees could contact academics more easily. B. (B) to avoid missing out on any musing novelty. C. (C) because it had been tried and tested in universities. D. (D) to cope with the vast mount of correspondence they received. [单选题]在指挥中心发展与变革过程中,始终贯穿着警情受理和力量调度这一主线,始终服务于火灾扑救这一核心任务,纵观其发展历史,主要体现了( )( )( )三个特点。
A. 快 准 灵 B. 快 直 高 C. 快 准 直 D. 快 熟 全 [单项选择]粪便中粪胆原含量明显增加主要见于()。
A. 溶血性黄疸 B. 肝细胞性黄疸 C. 胆道部分梗阻 D. 胆道完全梗阻 E. 胆管结石性黄疸 [单选题]提供虚假财务报表的企业,根据虚假程度对信用等级进行调整。不完全准确的,信用等级调整到( )级(含)以下;完全不准确的,信用等级调整到( )级(含)以下。
A.A BBB B.BBB BB C.BB B D.BB CCC [简答题]产生误码的主要原因是什么?
A.肠道感染 B.肝脏功能异常 C.进食不足 D.消化不良 E.摄人蛋白质过多 [判断题]同盟会是中国第一个有明确政治纲领和组织机构的资产阶级革命政党。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]实施晋升策略应采取的措施包括( )。
A. 管理者应该强调企业内部晋升政策 B. 鼓励直线经理和主管允许有能力的员工离开自己所负责的部门 C. 建立并完善企业工作岗位分析、评价与分类制度 D. 保证企业员工晋升过程的正规化 E. 采取有效措施克服并防止员工晋升中的歧视行为 [单项选择]人的各种生理器官衰竭是年老风险的()因素。
A. 心理性 B. 道德性 C. 实质性 D. 技术性 [简答题]
[判断题] 交流电流测量,电流表的内阻越大,测量结果越准。() ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]When Rod Laver got behind, he would ______.
A. play a "safe" game B. become nervous C. forget what the score was D. play a relaxed game [判断题]商业折扣是企业为鼓励客户提前偿付货款而向客户提供的债务扣除。
A. 射线太硬 B. 显影不足 C. 显影液陈旧失效 D. 以上都对 [判断题]基金管理人负责基金的投资操作,本身并不参与基金财产的保管,基金财产的保管由独立与基金管理人的基金托管人负责。
[填空题]为避免发生突发环境事件对涉及使用危险化学品的设备定期 ,保证可控有效运行。
A. 大黄黄连泻心汤 B. 半夏泻心汤 C. 甘草泻心汤 D. 生姜泻心汤 E. 泻心汤 我来回答: 提交