A few years ago, in their search for
ways to sell more goods, advertising men hit on a new and controversial gimmick.
It is a silent, invisible commercial that, the ad men claim, can be rushed past
the consumer’s conscious mind and planted in his subconscious—and without the
consumer’s knowledge. Developed by James Vicary, a research man who studies what makes people buy, this technique relies on the psychological principle of subliminal perception. Scientists tell us that many of the sights coming to our eyes are not consciously "seen". We select only a few for conscious "seeing" and ignore the rest. Actually, the discarded impressions are recorded in the brain though they are below the threshold of consciousness. There’s little doubt in Vicary’s mind as to the subliminal ad’s effectiveness. His proof can be summed up in j A. needs a cautious application B. has no effect on sales C. benefits the customers D. causes a mental confusion [单项选择]( )主要用于小直径钢筋的交叉连接,如用来焊接钢筋骨架、钢筋网中交叉钢筋的焊接。
A. 电渣压力焊 B. 电阻点焊 C. 电弧焊 D. 闪光对焊 [单选题]引下光缆的地埋钢管弯曲半径不应小于()倍钢管直径,且使用弯管机制作。
A.10 B.15 C.20 D.25 [判断题]消防避火服用于接近火焰和化学事故现场防护。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]Question 21-30
The Harlem Renaissance, a movement of the 1920’s, marked the twentieth century’s first period of intense activity by African Americans in the field of literature, art, and music in the United States. The philosophy of the movement combined realism, ethnicLine consciousness, and Americanism. Encouraged by the example of certain Americans of European descent such as Thomas Eakins, Robert Henri, and George Luks, who had included persons of African descent in their paintings as serious studies rather than as trivial or sentimental stereotypes, African American artists of this period set about creating a new portrayal of themselves and their lives in the United States. As they began to strive for social and cultural independence. Their attitudes toward themselves changed,and, to some extent, other segments of American society began to change their attitudes toward them. Thus, thought the Harlem Renaissance was a short-lived movement, its imp
A. A.pride in African art B.cultural pluralism C.collaboration with other artists D.withdrawal from American culture [单项选择]在同一地理位置的冷锋,其坡度总是()暖锋。
A. 大于 B. 小于 C. 相同于 D. 不确定 [单项选择]自由基是人体内不配对的电子,对细胞组织有很强的损伤作用,可导致皮肤()。
A. 敏感 B. 健康 C. 发红 D. 衰老 [判断题]穿着个人防护装备参与执勤训练时,()随身携带与执勤训练无关的坚硬、锋锐物品。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]底漆、()最长暴露时间不超过7天。
A.铁红漆 B.中间漆 C.灰漆 D.红丹 [多选题]胡某酒后闹事,无端殴打一过路妇女,造成这一妇女轻微伤,住院7天,花去医药费800元。对此,下列说法正确的是
A.公安机关执法人员应对醉酒中的胡某采取保护性措施约束至酒醒 B.因胡某醉酒后闹事,故应当依法加重处罚 C.胡某应依法对该受伤妇女承担 民事责任 D.对胡某可以行政处罚代替民事责任 [多选题]连通图是以栅栏状的形式表示油井、注水井之间油层的( )等变化的图幅。
A.连通状况 B.有效厚度 C.砂岩厚度 D.渗透率 [判断题]铝的脱氧能力会随着温度的降低和炉渣碱度的增加而增强。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]B-E-031 2 2 4
微机监控系统的通信功能是( )功能。 A.四遥 B.接受监控系统查询 C.具有扩展远动RTU功能和与系统通信 D.具有电压和无功调节控制通信 [填空题]接到车梯上线命令后,听从<--NRC-->的指挥,将车梯抬上线路并立起。
A. 急性中毒 B. 肠梗阻 C. 幽门梗阻 D. 肝炎 E. 急性肠炎 [判断题]送货是配送活动的核心,也是备货和理货工序的延伸。()
[判断题]( )在高速铁路中,桥梁栏杆、桥面防水层、桥面上排水系统的检查、整修属于施工作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]垄断资本条件下垄断企业竞争的目的是为了( )
A.获得平均利润 B.获得超额利润 C. 获得高额垄断利润 D. 消灭中小企业 [单项选择]公安消防部队党的基层委员会对本级无权决定的事项,或者属于本级职权范围但政策规定不够明确的事项,应当及时向()请示报告。
A. 挂点领导 B. 上级政治机关 C. 上级党委 D. 相关业务部门 我来回答: 提交