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发布时间:2023-11-11 02:44:40

[单项选择]If you think her experience is________, we will employ her.
A. sustainable
B. adequate
C. strong
D. positive

更多"If you think her experience is_____"的相关试题:

[单项选择]If you think her experience is(), we will employ her.
A. sustainable
B. adequate
C. strong
D. positive
[单项选择]We wish to assure you that we appreciate an opportunity afforded us for service.
A. 请相信我们是很感激您的,我们希望有机会为您服务。
B. 请坚信,我们将非常感谢您能有机会为我们提供服务。
C. 我们希望向您保证我们很欣赏您为我们提供的一切服务。
D. 我们的愿望是能够有机会为您服务并提供一切帮助。
[单项选择]We regret to inform you that we did not receive your L/C for the above Sales Confirmation ______ today.
A. up to
B. by
C. till
D. before
[单项选择]We regret to inform you that we'll have to cancel our order on account of your failure to deliver the goods punctually.
A. 我们抱歉通知你们为了及时交货,我们将取消在你们失误账面上的订货。
B. 我们遗憾地通知贵方,由于你们的失误,未能及时交货,我们只好取消订货。
C. 我们遗憾地通知你们,由于贵方未能及时交货,我方只得取消订货。
D. 我们抱歉通知你,为了保证及时送货,我们不得不取消让你修改错误账面的命令。
[单项选择]Much as we would like to cooperate with you, we just cannot accept your offer, as your price is too high to be workable.
A. 虽然我们非常愿意与你合作,但我们不能接受你的报价,因为价格太高,无法运作。
B. 即便我们进行过多次合作,但是这次我们只能提高价格,因为劳动力成本在上升。
C. 虽然我们合作得很愉快,但是我们不能继续为你提供帮助,因为你们的报价太高。
D. 尽管我们有诚意和你合作,但我们无法接受你的帮助,因为你所开的价格实在太高。

翻译题:We inform you that we have been engaged in this business for the past 25 years. We, therefore, feel that because of our past years' experience, we are well qualified to take care of your interests at this end.

[单项选择]()we would like to assist you , we do not think there is room for a reduction in our price.
A. Even
B. As
C. Muoh
D. Much as
[单项选择]Experience leads me to think that it is not always good to get ______ with strangers.
A. tolerant
B. confidential
C. enthusiastic
D. agreeable
[单项选择]From her words we realized that she was really looking forward to ______ us.
[单项选择]--Don’t you think her radio is too loud --Tell her to ______ , please.
[单项选择]Standing on the pavement while waiting for you, we watched bus ______ after bus by.
A. went
B. to go
C. gone
D. go
[单项选择]The mother had unusual insight into her child's emotions, for she could always tell how her child felt every day.
A. 母亲看了孩子的情感变化,因为她总能看出孩子每天感觉如何。
B. 母亲对孩子的情感变化有非凡的洞察力,因为她每天总能看出孩子感觉如何。
C. 母亲对孩子的情感有非凡的洞察力,对她来说每天都能区别孩子的感觉。
D. 母亲对孩子的情感有不同凡响的视力,因为她能告诉孩子的感受。
[单项选择]What does Howard Dean think of his experience in Iowa
[单项选择]You promised her a letter; and you ought to ________ to her days ago.
A. be writing
B. be written
C. write
D. have written
[单项选择]If you ______ our teacher, what would you tell her
A. are to see
B. must see
C. will be going to see
D. were to see


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