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发布时间:2023-10-25 23:24:35

[单项选择]Which letter can fill in the bracket 666(S) 389(T) 972(N) 707( )
A. Z
B. N
C. E
D. S

更多"Which letter can fill in the bracke"的相关试题:

[单项选择]It is ( ) irrevocable letter of credit which can not be changed
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. /
[单项选择]It is an irrevocable letter of credit which can not ( ).
A. change
B. be changed
C. changing
D. changed

Text 2
Of all the varieties of music which fill our concert halls, theaters, and nightclubs, only jazz is native ’American music. Symphonies and concertos, the ancestors of movie and television scores as well as of ’serious’ or ’legitimate’ electronic music, were first composed in Germany. Musical comedies descended from opera, which was first performed in Italy. And our ever- popular nightclub singers are the musical heirs of the French singers of chansons.
The one form of music which did not originate in Europe and which is popular today worldwide is jazz. Jazz was born in New Orleans, the child of the Blacks. It drew on the rhythms as well as the emotionalism of the African music of the’ Black ancestors, which had been transformed into ragtime and the blues. Improvisation was an indispensable element. Musicians were permitted, in solo performance, plenty of freedom to play in whatever variations just as their creative
A. a radical city
B. a country element
C. a forum for debate
D. a collection of lyrics


Text 2 Of all the varieties of music which fill our concert halls, theaters, and nightclubs, only jazz is native ’American music. Symphonies and concertos, the ancestors of movie and television scores as well as of ’serious’ or ’legitimate’ electronic music, were first composed in Germany. Musical comedies descended from opera, which was first performed in Italy. And our ever- popular nightclub singers are the musical heirs of the French singers of chansons. The one form of music which did not originate in Europe and which is popular today worldwide is jazz. Jazz was born in New Orleans, the child of the Blacks. It drew on the rhythms as well as the emotionalism of the African music of the’ Black ancestors, which had been transformed into ragtime and the blues. Improvisation was an indispensable element. Musicians were permitted, in solo performance, plenty of freedom to play in whatever variations just as their creative mood happened to
A. a radical city            
B. a forum for debate          
C. a collection of lyrics

[单项选择]Which of the following can't be used to fill in the blank in the sentence "I'll ______ him from going swimming alone"
A. stop
B. prevent
C. keep
D. forbid
[单项选择]What did he say in the letter I really can't( )it out.
A. make
B. put
C. run
D. give
[单项选择]From the letter, we can know ________.

A. the two sides cooperated before
B. the Irish should pay for the transportation fee in terms of the new price
C. they use the best chemicals to improve the quality
D. they have enough storage that can supply at any time


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