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发布时间:2023-10-01 00:12:33

[单选题]The company regulates that when the aircraft intercepted G/S, its rate of descent shall not be greater than 1000ft/min, if the rate of descent is expected to be greater than 1000ft/min, a special approach briefing must be done. If the rate of descent is greater than 1000ft/min and maintained during the approach, the crew must?
A. Go around
B.Monitoring the rate of descent and continue the approach
C.Continue the approach and landing, then report after landed.

更多"[单选题]The company regulates that whe"的相关试题:

[单选题]The company regulates that the A319/320 (in high-altitude airport) maximum tailwind for landing is:
A.5m/s (dry runway), 3m/s (wet runway)
B.10 m/s (dry runway), 5m/s (wet runway)
C.5m/s (dry runway), 5m/s (wet runway)
[单选题]When aircraft is on ground, towing control lever is in normal position, the requisites of receiving pressure by steering system also include
A. A/SKID and N/W STRG SWITCH in ON position
B. at least one engine works
C. all of above
[单选题]When the aircraft leaves theα-floor conditions, which of the following statement is correct?
A. “TOGA LK” in green, surrounded by a flashing amber box on the FMA and TOGA thrust is frozen
B. To cancel TOGA LK thrust, the flight crew must disconnect the autothrust
C. Both A and B are correct
[单选题]When an aircraft is no longer in distress status, flight crew should send message to cancel it. It’s recommended to apply()
B.Cancel PAN PAN
[单选题]When the aircraft is refueling on the ground, should a flight crew keep supervising?
B.Uncertain, it depends.
[单选题]On the ground, when the aircraft is started to be energized, MCDU automatically displays_____
A. Initial page
B. data index page
C. aircraft status page
[单选题]When the aircraft is flying faster than ____ with the autopilot engaged, the speedbrake retraction rate is reduced (Retraction from FULL to in takes about 25 s).
A. 275 kt or M 0.65
B. 295 kt or M 0.70
C. 315 kt or M 0.75
[单选题]When using DES to descent, if the aircraft is below the descent profile, how to assume the interception point on the navigation display?
A. If the aircraft is flying at an altitude that is higher than both the descent speed limit altitude and the destination elevation +5000 ft: the FMGS maintains the V/S at -1000 ft/min and the target speed, until the aircraft reaches the altitude constraint, or intercepts the descent profile
B. If the aircraft is flying at an altitude that is lower than either the descent speed limit altitude or the destination elevation +5000 ft: the FMGS maintains the V/S at -500 ft/min and the target speed, until the aircraft reaches the altitude constraints, or intercepts the descent profile
C. Both A and B are correct
[单选题]When aircraft exiting runway by Rapid Exit Taxiway, the speed of taxing should not more than _ and should slow down gradually.
[单选题]When the aircraft has been refueled to maximum capacity, the fuel can expand by ( )without spilling.
[单选题]The aircraft automatically recovers, following a high speed upset. Which of the following is true?
A. When it is activated, the THS setting is limited between the setting at the aircraft’s entry into this protection , so that with the sidestick released, the aircraft always returns to a bank angle of 0 °.
B. As the speed increases above VMO/MMO, the sidestick nose-down authority is progressively reduced, and a permanent nose-up order is applied to aid recovery to normal flight conditions.
C. all of the above
[单选题]If the aircraft speed is significantly higher than S on the glideslope, or if the aircraft does not decelerate on the glideslope, ____ to slow it down.
A. Extend the landing gear
B. Must use speed brakes
C. Manual select speed
[单选题]CABIN PRESS FAULT light of Aircraft Pressurization System goes on, which indicates:
A.Automatic system 1 failure
B.Two automatic systems fail
C.Manual system fails
[单选题]In case of aircraft failure affecting landing distance occurs in the air, the required landing distance can be calculated by reference to
A. the FCOM or the MEL
B. the FCOM and the QRH
C. the MEL only
[单选题]Limit the aircraft electric power supply with avionics ventilation system in normal configuration as follows:
A. OAT=55℃ time limit 1 h
B. OAT=60℃ time limit 2 h
C. OAT=49℃ no limitation
[单选题]The normal law protects the aircraft throughout the flight envelope, as follows :
A. maneuver protection + pitch attitude protection + high-angle-of-attack (AOA) protection + high-speed protection.
B. maneuver protection + pitch attitude protection + low speed stability
C. maneuver protection + pitch attitude protection +high-speed protection.
[单选题]In the RVSM airspace aircraft suffered turbulence; crews choose to apply altitude after selecting turbulence speed, then climb 1000 feet under ATC instruction. Then aircraft carry out OP CLB mode. During the climb, TCAS display TA and RA alarm. The crews find another aircraft keep level flight 2000ft above their target altitude. If you are one of the crew, the recommended choice is _.
A.Monitoring the ascent rate closely, if the ascent rate beyond 1000ft/min then immediately use V/S mode and select a suitable ascent rate below 1000ft/min to make the actual rate back within the 500-1000 ft/min range;
B.Follow VSI instructions and use V/S mode immediately, making ascent rate enter and remain in the range of 500-1000ft/min, then closely monitor ascent rate until the “CLEAR OF CONFLECT” is confirmed, then report to ATC;
C.Disconnect Autopilot and F\D, and use manned control mode to make the vertical velocity quickly and smoothly enter the green zone of VSI and monitor until there is no more risk of conflict.
D.Disconnect Autopilot and F\D, and use manned control mode to make the vertical velocity quickly and smoothly enter the green zone of VSI and monitor until “CLEAR OF CONFLECT” is confirmed, then report to ATC.


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