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发布时间:2024-07-04 01:02:01

[单选题]AFT cargo compartment air is controlled by outlet isolation valve and evacuated to:
A.avionics bay
C.air-conditioner pipe

更多"[单选题]AFT cargo compartment air is c"的相关试题:

[单选题]The ventilation of AFT cargo compartment is from:
A.cabin air
B.cockpit air
C.avionics bay air
[单选题]当FWD(AFT)CARGO SMOKE(前/后货舱烟雾)警告出现时,音响警告呈现:
[单选题]How does cargo fire extinguishing system work?
A. The bottle has two discharge heads, one for each compartment. When a member of the flight crew presses the DISCH pushbutton for either compartment, the action ignites the corresponding squib on the fire bottle, which then discharges extinguishing agent into that compartment.
B. The bottle has three discharge heads, one for forward compartment,the other for the after compartment,extinguish automatically.If it is failure,extinguish manually。
C. Two bottle have two discharge heads, one for each compartment. When a member of the flight crew presses the DISCH pushbutton for either compartment, the action ignites the corresponding squib on the fire bottle, which then discharges extinguishing agent into that compartment.
[单选题]How are the cargo doors operated?
A. Manually
B. Hydraulically
C. Either manually or hydraulically
[单选题]To manually open the cargo door:
A. manually work the yellow system hand pump to assist the door operation.
B. The cargo door is mechanically operated. It does not need any hydraulic power.
C. the green system hand pump may be used to substitute the yesslow system.
[单选题]For lithium battery transportation in cargo, package only need to affix NO.9 dangerousness tag when single unit exceeds ()rated capacity.
[单选题]About cargo doors operation, which is correct:
A. The yellow hydraulic system opens these doors outward and upward. They lock open or closed mechanically.
B. If the yellow system's electric pump fails, crewmen can use a hand pump to pressurize the system. This hand pump is on the hydraulic maintenance panel
C. Both correct
[单选题]How is the bulk cargo door operated?
A. Manually
B. Hydraulically
C. Either manually or hydraulically
[单选题]When the cargo door is in normal operation,
A. The yellow hydraulic system is pressured (YELLOW ELEC PUMP energized). Operation of the flight controls and PTU is inhibited.
B. The yellow hydraulic system is pressured (YELLOW ELEC PUMP energized). Operation of the flight controls is not inhibited. Operation of PTU is inhibited.
C. The yellow hydraulic system is pressured (YELLOW ELEC PUMP energized). Operation of the flight controls is inhibited. Operation of PTU is not inhibited.
[单选题]The maximum load capacity for each A320 cargo compartment is: )
A. 1# 7500LB、3#5349LB、4#4652LB,5#3300LB
B. 1# 7500LB、3#3300LB、4#4652LB,5#5349LB
C. 1# 5349LB、3#7500LB、4#4652LB,5#3300LB
[单选题]when will be the lights of CARGO SMOKE and DISCH on?
A. After pressing the discharge pushbutton, this amber light comes on, thereby indicating that the agent bottle has fully discharged.
B. Within 60 s after pressing the discharge pushbutton, this amber light comes on, thereby indicating that the agent bottle has fully discharged.
C. After pressing the discharge pushbutton, this amber light comes on, thereby indicating that the agent bottle has not discharged.
[单选题]When APU supplies air for air-conditioning unit, if zone temperature can’t be satisfied, air-conditioning unit will send signal to ( ) for increasing air flow:
A.Air-conditioning unit ram air inlet
B.APU electric control box
C.Air conditioning unit flow control valve
[判断题] Cargo Aircraft Only(仅限货机)标签是危险性标签。
[单选题] 航空货运中,General Cargo Rate 表示的中文含义是( )。
[单选题] 货舱烟雾(CARGO SMOKE)面板,释放(DISCH )灯什么时候亮?
A. 当按压相应释放按钮后,该琥珀色灯亮,表示瓶中的灭火剂已经完全释放
B. 当按压释放按钮后60 秒以内,该琥珀色灯亮,表示瓶中的灭火剂已经完全释放
C. 当按压相应释放按钮后,灭火瓶没有释放,该琥珀色灯亮
[填空题]room air conditioner
[单选题]Bleed air from engine:
A. is to use cold bleed air of engine fan and it’s cooled by air heat exchanger
B. It’s only cooled by the air of air conditioning
C. It’s cooled by ambient air
[多选题]银行A 采购了一批华为OceansStor 18500v5,通过RDMA Scale-out 来进行扩展连接,下列说法哪些是正确的()
A. SmartlO 接口提供内部互联,传输协议为 RDMA 协议,端口带宽可达 100 GB
B. 空闲的 4 个口用于扩展到 16 控直连组网
C. 直连冗余组网实现 8 控之间全互连,每引擎共享 400 GB 交换带宽
D. 在 SmartlO 端口上划分逻辑 VLAN 同时连接数据网络和心跳网络


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