The current political debate over
family values personal responsibility, and welfare takes for granted the
entrenched American belief that dependence on government assistance is a recent
and destructive phenomenon. Conservatives tend to blame this dependence on
personal irresponsibility aggravated by a swollen welfare apparatus that saps
individual initiative. Liberals are more likely to blame it on personal
misfortune magnified by the harsh lot that falls to losers in our competitive
market economy. But both sides believe that "winners" in America make it on
their own that dependence reflects some kind of individual or family failure,
and that the ideal family is the self-reliant unit of traditional lore--a family
that takes care of its own, carves out a future for its children, and never asks
for handouts. Politicians at both en A. expensively B. from the railroad company C. with the help of governing authorities D. with no help of governing authorities [单选题]产气性皮下蜂窝织炎的致病菌常不包括
A.溶血性链球菌 B.肠球菌 C.变形杆菌 D.大肠埃希菌 E.拟杆菌 [单选题]不同监测项目的监测点宜布置在()上。
A.任意位置 B.同一监测断面 C.指定位置 D.不同监测断面 [判断题]保证金一户通业务中,非默认保证金子账户资金由对应币种的默认保证金子账户划入,转出时需原路划转回默认保证金子账户。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]检阅领导行至距队旗适当位置时,应当立正向队旗行( )。
A.注目礼 B.举手礼 C.举枪礼 D.挥手礼 [多选题]根据所完成功能的不同,可以将电网调度自动化系统划分为()
A.信息采集和执行子系统 B.信息传输子系统 C.信息处理子系统 D.人机联系子系统 [单选题]1.64 单层地板,一厢或两厢式结构,安装座椅的载客汽车,但不包括轿车、面包车以及越野客车的,核定为_______。
A.普通客车 B.双层客车 C.卧铺客车 D.铰接客车 [判断题]从安全角度考虑,一般场所使用的手持电动工具应优先选用Ⅱ类设备。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]轨距是两股钢轨轨头顶面下( )范围内两钢轨作用边之间的最小距离
[单选题](91)当冷、热流体的a值(传热膜系数)相差很大时,K值接近于( )。
A.其平均值 B.其中的较大值 C.其中的较小值 D.1 [多选题]运行电力系统电力电量平衡时,应确定总备用容量,系统总备用容量应包括( )。
A.负荷备用 B.事故备用 C.调峰备用 D.计划检修备用 [多选题]心脏的神经支配
A.迷走神经颈心支 B.喉返神经心支 C.心浅丛 D.心深丛 E.颈交感神经节 [判断题]戒指又称手环()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]保护装置的数量按台数统计,凡具备()回路并能发令跳闸的保护即为一台装置。
A.独立电流电压输入 B.保护独立投退 C.独立判别故障 D.独立输出 [单选题] 不属于“A类火灾”的是()。(易)
A. 木材 B. 棉 C. 毛 D. 石蜡 我来回答: 提交