On a Saturday night, Mr. Jones went to
Willington and got so drunk at the Red Lion that he did not come back till
midday on Sunday. His four men had milked the cows in the early morning
and then had gone out hunting, without bothering (麻烦) to feed the
animals. When Mr. Jones got back, he immediately went to sleep on the living-room sofa with the News of the World over his face, so that when evening came, the animals were still not fed. At last, they could stand no longer. One of the cows broke into the door of the store-house with her horns (角) and all the animals began to help themselves to the grains. It was just then that Mr. Jones woke up. And the men came back. The next moment he and his four men were in the store-house with whips in their hands, whipping (鞭打) in all directions. This was more than the hungry animals A. they were not fed B. they were so hungry C. they were whipped so hard by them D. they were so happy [判断题]燃着的酒精灯焰应用嘴吹灭,以防引起灯内酒精起燃。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]就中老年人而言,白细胞计数40×109/L,分类计数N4%,L96%,最可能的诊断是( )
A. 百日咳 B. 流感 C. 慢淋 D. 伤寒 E. 肺炎 [多选题]CPU的主要性能指标有()。
A.字长 B.主频 C.地址总线宽度 D.数据总线宽度 [多项选择]社会主义医德幸福观认为:()
A. 医德幸福是健康的物质需要和精神需要的适当满足 B. 医德幸福建立在辛勤的工作和劳动的基础之上 C. 首先要关注个人幸福 D. 防病治病,维护人民健康是最大幸福 E. 必须把个人幸福与集体幸福统一起来 [单选题] 现职人员必须( )进行一次安全知识培训考试,不合格者不准上岗。
A.每季度 B.每半年 C.每年 [单项选择]18岁,未婚妇女,普查行B型超声检查时发现左附件区有7cm×6cm×5cm囊实性肿块,其内可见强回声,表面光滑,本例最可能的诊断是().
A. 卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿 B. 卵巢良性囊性畸胎瘤 C. 卵巢黏液性囊腺瘤 D. 盆腔炎症性包块 E. 阔韧带内肌瘤 [判断题]B737-700飞机无论驾驶舱应急灯的电门位置如何,乘务员可以通过位于后登机门乘务员面板上的应急灯开关打开应急灯。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Pentium微处理器在保护模式下,中断描述符表内最多有 【 】 个中断描述符。
[判断题] 焊接不锈复合钢板过渡层的焊条,一定要采用与覆层材料相同的不锈钢焊条。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在检修中、小型电力变压器的铁心时,用1千伏兆欧测量铁轭夹穿心螺丝栓绝缘电阻的数值应不小于( )兆欧。
A.、0.5 B.、2 C.、4 D.、10 [单项选择]在评价内部审计人员的特定工作是否足以实现审计目的时,注册会计师无需评价的因素是()。
A. 内部审计工作是否由经过充分技术培训且精通业务的人员执行 B. 内部审计人员得出的结论是否恰当,是否与注册会计师得出的结论一致 C. 内部审计人员的工作是否得到适当的监督、复核和记录 D. 内部审计人员得出的结论是否恰当,编制的报告是否与已执行工作的结果一致 我来回答: 提交