Stupendous prices were paid in a
historic sale of 19th- and 20th-century avant-garde paintings collected over a
lifetime by John Hay Whitney and his wife, Betsy Cushing Whitney, Picasso’s "Garcon à la Pipe" (Boy With a Pipe), painted in 1905, shot up to $104.1 million at Sotheby’s during a protracted bidding match over the telephone. That is nearly twice the previous record for the artist: the $55 million paid for "La Femme aux Bras Croisés" at Christie’s New York in November 2000. The huge figure reflects the double iconic value that the portrait derived from its mastery and from the aura of its owners, the very patrician Whitneys. The portrait is perhaps the artist’s ultimate achievement. Constantly hailed as the giant of modem art, Picasso was probably at his greatest when working under the sp A. Fleurs Dans un Vase Vert B. La Femme aux Bras Croisés C. Races in the Bois de Boulogne D. Boats on the Strand [单选题]固定动火区与周围易燃易爆设备管道的距离应在()m以上。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [单项选择]周某为自己投保了一份人寿保险,并指定其妻子为受益人。周某有一个儿子和一个女儿,分别为5岁和7岁,周某的父亲已经去世,母亲独自生活。某日,周某突发心脏病去世。该保险的保险金依法应当()。
A. 作为遗产由周某的妻子和母亲继承 B. 作为遗产由周某的妻子、儿女和母亲共同继承 C. 全部支付给周某的妻子 D. 作为遗产由周某的妻子和儿女继承 [单选题]根据《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》规定,国家、社会、学校、家庭应当教育和帮助未成年人运用( )维护自己的合法权益。
A.法律手段 B.强制手段 C.自力救济手段 D.上访 [填空题]
Japanese "salary men’ tend to work under great stress, it is said. But a survey of 200 salary men aged 20 ~ 40 in Tokyo, conducted by the Marketing Bureau of Nippon Co. in August 1996, found that as much as 65 percent attach priority (优先考虑) to a relaxed life. For them, "mental health" comes before "stressful work". By contrast those who prefer to work hard even under stress accounted for only 35 percent. By age bracket (分类), there were remarkable differences. Half of the salary men in their forties declared they wouldn’t avoid stressful work, whereas a relaxed life was the choice of 76 percent of those in their twenties. How do they get rid of stress "Drinking" and "engaging in sports" were mentioned by most in both the "relaxed" and "stressful" groups. [单选题]下列传输介质中,带宽最大的是()
A.双绞线 B.同轴电缆 C.光缆 D.无线 [多项选择]煤气压力与流量的关系是()。
A. 压力越高,流量越大。 B. 压力越高,流量越小。 C. 压力越小,流量越大。 D. 压力越低,流量越小。 [多选题]稳固保护附件主要包括各类( )等,起稳固保护作用。
A.垫块 B.止滑器 C.锁链 D.紧固带 [多选题] 采用暖棚法时应遵守下列( )规定。
A. 暖棚应经设计并绑扎牢固 B. 所用保温材料应具有阻燃特性 C. 施工中应经常检查并备有必要的消防器材 D. 地槽式暖棚的槽沟土壁应加固,以防冻土坍塌 [单项选择]下列不属于起拍收拍三要素的是()。
A. 速度 B. 力度 C. 情绪 D. 姿势 [单选题]系统浓度AIC-12135达到多少时系统切水
A.0.33 B.0.34 C.0.35 D.0.36 [单项选择]劳动资料与劳动对象的总和是()。
A. 生产方式 B. 生产资料 C. 生产工具 D. 生产关系 [单项选择]某物业管理公司承诺:在接到住房治安方面的求助或报警信号后,无论在小区内的任何一点,保安人员都保证于2分钟内出现在现场。这里的“2分钟”属于( )指标。
A. 时间量 B. 实物最 C. 价值最 D. 劳动量 [简答题]按照相关要求,企业需要到港航管理部门备案的有哪些?
A. include B. conclude C. exclude D. inherit [多选题]工作票签发人应是(),并具有相关工作经验的生产领导人、技术人员或经本单位批准的人员。
A.熟悉工作班成员的工作能力 B.熟悉人员技术水平 C.熟悉设备情况 D.熟悉本规程 [单项选择]在互联网上,用来发送电子邮件的协议是______。
A. HTTP B. SMTP C. NFS D. POP3 [单选题]管道焊口位置应离开支吊架管部边缘 ( )mm以上。
A.30. B.40. C.50. D.70。 [单选题]汽油的主要质量指标是( )及流程。
A.十六烷值 B.抗爆指数 C.蒸汽压 D.烯烃 [单选题]王某驾驶货车与黄某驾驶的小汽车相撞,造成王某腿部受伤。办案民警李某在处理交
通事故时,客观地分析了交通事故的原因,并根据相关法律法规的规定,依法作出交通事故责 任的认定书。民警李某对交通事故责任的认定,主要体现了《公安机关人民警察职业道德规范》 中的: A. 严守纪律 B.秉公执法 C.文明理性 D.爱岗敬业 我来回答: 提交