Telegrams have just passed into history
in America, following the announcement by Western Union, once the colossus of
the industry, that it was discontinuing its telegram service at the end of
January. Yet in a sense, the technology pioneered by Samuel Morse has been
reborn with a modern twist, in the form of text messages sent between mobile
phones. For years, foreigners have wondered why Americans, usually at the
vanguard of technological adoption, were so reluctant to embrace texting. But
now they have adopted the technology with enthusiasm. What happened America’s apathy towards texting was easy to explain. Voice calls on mobile phones are cheaper than in other countries, which gives cost-conscious users less incentive to send texts instead; several different and incompatible wireless technologies are in use, which made A. Comparison of America and Europe’s interest in a new technology. B. Prediction of future trends in America. C. Analysis of masons for a trend in America. D. Analysis of reasons for America’s lack of interest in a new technology. [判断题]横向联网银行端缴税出现超时等异常状态时,柜员进行银行端缴款差错处理交易,冲
账成功后,可再次发起银行端缴税业务。( ) A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]加油站05年4月28日早八点以后填制的帐表单为()日的帐表单。
A. 28日 B. 29日 C. 27日 D. 26日 [填空题]工业企业绿地布局一般分为()绿地和生产区绿地,大型工厂还有()。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]若直线AB的反坐标方位角为96°,则直线AB的坐标方位角在第()象限。
A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四 [单项选择]在6°高斯投影中,我国为了避免横坐标出现负值,故规定将坐标纵轴向西平移()公里
A. 100 B. 300 C. 500 D. 700 [简答题]公司2010年度安全工作意见基本思路中的“135”代表什么?
[判断题]变压器差动保护反映该保护范围内变压器的内、外部故障。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]燃煤的内在水分和外在水分之和称为燃煤的()。
A. 全水分 B. 吸附水分 C. 固有水分 D. 基本水分 [单选题]热像仪不用于黑暗、浓烟条件下( )。1
A.观测火源及火势蔓延方向 B.寻找被困人员 C.监测异常高温及余火 D.探测被埋压人员的位置 [单选题]窃电时间无法查明时,窃电日至少以三个月计算。()
A.对 B.错 [判断题]对于记名证券而言,完成了清算和交收,证券交易过程即告结束。( )
[单选题]包裹的最小体积不得小于( )立方米。
A.0.001 B.0.01 C.0.1 D.1 [多项选择]发票必须使用税务部门监制的增值税发票()或其他专业发票、单据等。
A. 商品销售统一发票 B. 通用定额发票 C. 行政事业专用收据 D. 车票 我来回答: 提交