Telegrams have just passed into history
in America, following the announcement by Western Union, once the colossus of
the industry, that it was discontinuing its telegram service at the end of
January. Yet in a sense, the technology pioneered by Samuel Morse has been
reborn with a modern twist, in the form of text messages sent between mobile
phones. For years, foreigners have wondered why Americans, usually at the
vanguard of technological adoption, were so reluctant to embrace texting. But
now they have adopted the technology with enthusiasm. What happened America’s apathy towards texting was easy to explain. Voice calls on mobile phones are cheaper than in other countries, which gives cost-conscious users less incentive to send texts instead; several different and incompatible wireless technologies are in use, which made A. Comparison of America and Europe’s interest in a new technology. B. Prediction of future trends in America. C. Analysis of masons for a trend in America. D. Analysis of reasons for America’s lack of interest in a new technology. 热门试题:[单选题]10kV及以下高压线路、设备不停电时的安全距离为()m。
A.A:0.35。 B.B:0.6。 C.C:0.7。 D.D:1.0。 E.略 F.略 [判断题]《防止静电事故通用导则》GB12158-2006第6.5.3强调:可以在爆炸危险场所穿脱衣服、帽子或类似物,可以作剧烈身体运动。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]全功能银行系统密押是指在办理银行汇票业务过程中,使用(),由计算机系统按照规定计算方法,对票据有关要素进行加密运算得出的一组数据。
A. 核押交易 B. 补押交易 C. 索押交易 D. 以上均正确 [填空题]若f(x)的一个原函数为lnx,则f’(x)=()
[判断题](26>一般电机启动时的电流为正常运行时的5~7倍,如果带负荷启动电流值就更大,为了不致因启动电流过大而烧坏电机,离心泵启动时,应将出口阀完全打开,等电机运转正常后,再逐渐关闭出口阀,并调节到所需的能量。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]电子政务项目文件归档的含义是()。
A. 建设、施工、监理、设计等单位将本单位在工程建设过程中形成的文件向本单位档案机构移交 B. 设计、施工、监理等单位将本单位在工程建设过程中形成的文件向电子政务项目实施机构移交 C. 文件形成单位完成其工作后,将形成的文件整理立卷后,按规定移交当地档案管理部门 D. 设计、施工、监理等单位将本单位在工程建设过程中形成的工程文件向建设单位移交,建设单位汇总后向当地档案管理部门移交 [单项选择]