In its most extreme form, poverty is a
lack of basic human needs, such as adequate and nutritious food, clothing,
housing, clean water, and health services. Extreme poverty can cause terrible
suffering and death, and even poverty can prevent people from realizing many of
their desires. The world’s poorest people--many of whom live in developing areas
of Africa, Asia, Latin America. and Eastern Europe--struggle daily for food,
shelter, and other necessities. They often suffer from severe
malnutrition(营养不良), infectious disease outbreaks, famine, and war. In wealthier
countries--such as the United States, Canada, Japan, and those in Western
Europe--the effects of poverty may include poor nutrition, mental illness, drug
dependence, crime, and high rates of disease. Extreme poverty, which threatens people’s health or lives, A. the poverty in the developing country is different from the developed country B. relative poverty is more terrible than extreme poverty C. there are many reasons for poverty D. many people have much more than they need to live in comfort, while many others do not have enough resources to live [判断题] 串联电阻可以用来分流。( )[1.0分]
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]区间双线两相邻线路直线部分中心线间的最小距离,120km/h<v≤160km/h线路为()mm。
[单选题]( )情况下,进路无法排列
A.进路上道岔位置不正确 B.进路上道岔位置不正确且锁闭 C.进路上道岔位置正确 D.进路上道岔位置正确且锁闭 [单选题]泡茶时,先放茶叶,后注入沸水,称为( )。
A.上投法 B.中投法 C. 下投法 D. 点茶法 [单选题]座席员向客户进行回访时,电话接通后,规范的服务用语是()。
A.“杨先生,您好,我是95598电力服务中心**号坐席。**日您的故障报修我们已经处理完毕……。” B.“您好,我是95598电力服务中心**号坐席,请问您是杨先生吗?能否占用您几分钟时间做服务回访吗?” C.“您好,请问您是杨先生吗?能够占用您几分钟时间做服务回访吗?” D.“您好,请问您是杨先生吗?**日您的故障报修我们已经处理完毕,……” [单项选择]下列选项正确的是()。
A. 新车磨合是每个司机都不得不面对的一个重要问题。 B. 最近,几位演员因为不小心而让牵扯进了盗用信用卡的案件。 C. 上千名中小学师生到历史名人雕塑公园瞻仰了历史名人的雕像。 D. 我们可以对传统产业进行改造,而不一定要完全脱离现有的产业另起炉灶。 [单选题]下列关于脉冲安全门噪声设置的描述正确的是:( )。
A.噪声设置选择到SE位置 B.噪声设置的范围0-9可调 C.噪声设置正常值为7档 D.通过噪声设置可改变外界噪声对旅客的影响 [判断题]疏散受火势辐射或炙烤的压缩气体钢瓶时,必须充分冷却,并在水枪掩护下进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]总公司《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》文明服务中要求,对旅客的配合与支持,不予理睬。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交