Some countries still have death penalty (死刑), but it no longer (61) in Britain. After a particularly (62) murder, British people would sometimes call (63) it to be brought back. In some people’s (64) , the death penalty cannot be defended for a number of (65) According to what these people (66) , the first and the most important one is that one can (67) be entirely certain that the person who is sentenced to death is (68) . The accused might well be (69) that he or she is completely innocent a few years (70) the sentence. It is often (71) that the death penalty (72) crimes. However, many crimes are (73) by a sudden and very powerful (74) . In these cases, the individual is not thinking sensibly (75) does not stop to consider the risk. Their final reason (76) the death penalty is that it sets a bad example. The laws of the society should reflect its values, If it i
A. for
B. to
C. of
D. against
As they grow older, most people wonder
how increasing age will affect intelligence. Can people in middle age and beyond
expect to think as effectively and to solve problems as efficiently as they have
in the past One of the difficulties in comparing the intellectual functioning of people at different ages is the problem of cohort((具有相同特征的)一群人) effects. Different age groups in the population have experienced different historical events (wars, exposure to television, and so on) as well as changes in the general standard of living. Different scores that people of varying ages achieve on intelligence tests could be partly due to changes in diet, housing, or health care or, even more likely, to the amount and quality of education. Since the beginning of this century, there has been a trend for more people to go to school and to r A. Keeping higher levels of functioning throughout adulthood can guarantee high performance in old age. B. Coronary heart disease can change cognitive abilities greatly. C. All the people have more or less the same intellectual change over the tire span. D. Changes in environment can affect the intellectual functioning for many people. [单选题]色灯信号机灯泡端电压为( )
A.额定值 B. 12V C.额定值的85%-95% D.额定值的95%以上 [单项选择]反映公司在一定时期内经营成果的财务报表是( )。
A. 资产负债表 B. 现金流量表 C. 利润表 D. 损益表 [判断题]高速断路器的状态可以从按钮灯上判断。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]在自动运行时,如机组出现负荷突减突增、过速等问题,首先判断是( )还是( ),如是微机电气故障,应切至手动方式运行。
A.电气故障 B.机械故障 C.线路故障 [名词解释]域名
[多选题]消防员培训主要包括( )。
A.组织能力培训 B.衔级晋升培训 C.职务晋升培训 D.专业技能培训 [单选题]长度可伸缩的万向传动轴由万向节和中间轴组成,中间轴靠( )连接。[323030102]
A.花键 B.平键 C.半圆键 D.斜键 [判断题]电磁驱动装置有直流和交流两种。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]输卵管是由以上哪项而来()
A. 生殖嵴 B. 中肾嵴 C. 泌尿生殖嵴 D. 苗勒管 E. 泌尿生殖窦 [多选题](234834)物体的流态化分为( )、快速流态化。
A.散式流态化 B.鼓泡流态化 C.腾涌流态化 D.湍流流态化 [判断题]在涉及公共安全的重大工程、项目中提供虚假的安全评价、环境影响评价等证明文件,致使公共财产、国家和人民利益遭受特别重大损失的,处五年以上五年以下有期徒刑,并处罚金。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]排出温度越限时对压缩机转子和缸体等部位的热膨胀不利,会加剧转子的振动。因此压缩机超温运行将会导致压缩机联锁停车。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]王某与某银行签订一份贷款合同,银行要求王某提供保证人,依照《担保法》的规定,下列主体可以作为保证人的是( )。
A. 某大学教授 B. 某企业分支机构 C. 某医院 D. 某街道办事处 [判断题]汽轮机调速系统的速度变动率越大,正常并网运行越稳定
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]制定课程计划的首要问题是( )。
A.课程设置 B.学科顺序 C.课时分配 D.学年编制和学周安排 [判断题]推动市场开放升级,一是要打造统一开放的电力市场,二是积极参与国家碳市场建设
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]线损理论计算报告应重点分析( ),并结合未来几年的电网规划情况选择合适的降损措施。
A.高损区域 B.高损元件 C.低损区域 D.低损元件 [单项选择]
(二) A. 不必缴纳滞报金 B. 3000元 C. 3 500元 D. 4000元 [判断题]平行于工作面支设的支柱叫排。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交