Since ancient times, people have
dreamed of leaving their home planet and exploring other worlds. In the later
half of the 20th century, that dream became reality. The space age began with
the launch of the first artificial satellites in 1963. A human first went into
space in 1963. Since then, astronauts and cosmonauts have ventured into space
for ever greater lengths of time, even living aboard orbiting space stations for
months on end. Two dozen people have circled the moon or walked on its surface.
At the same time, robotic explorers have journeyed where humans could not go,
visiting all but one of the solar system’s major worlds. Unpiloted spacecraft
have also visited a host of minor bodies such as moons, comets, and asteroids.
These explorations have sparked the advance of new technologies, from rockets t A. The challenge was developing rockets powerful enough and reliable enough to boost a satellite into orbit. B. The challenge was building the satellites themselves. C. Engineers also had to build tracking stations to maintain radio communications with these artificial "moons" as they circled the planet. D. The development of rockets and satellites. [名词解释]课堂教学
A.A、一般人员 B.B、信号员 C.C、任何人 [判断题]忽视安全操作、违章冒险是常见的触电原因之一。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]この辺は人口の密度が高く家が軒を____建ち並んでいる。
A. 連なって B. 連ねて C. 繋がって D. 繋いで [单项选择]换热器的作用是将受热面一侧的()传递给另一侧。
A. 能量 B. 动力 C. 热量 D. 温度 [单项选择]Z单位某报表的上报期限为8月2日,该单位逾期未报08月3日,县统计局向其送达了《统计报表催报通知书》,要求在8月5日前补报。该单位于8月4日补报了该统计报表。该单位的行为属于()。
A. 拒绝提供统计资料 B. 经催报后仍未按时提供统计资料 C. 迟报统计资料 D. 不如实答复《统计报表催报通知书》 [单项选择]网络营销活动所面临的各种外部条件的总称是指()。
A. 网络营销平台 B. 网络营销手段 C. 网络营销方式 D. 网络营销环境 [单项选择]分支机构聘任中层领导职务,每一个聘任期为三年。对在同一职位连续聘任满()聘期的,除工作特别需要外,一般应进行交流任职。对在同一职位任职满十年的,必须交流。
A. 一个 B. 两个 C. 三个 D. 四个 [判断题]M公司在被审计期间的一笔500万元的重大销售在审计报告白以后至财务报表公布日之前被退回,注册会计师提请被审计单位修订财务报表,被审计单位予以拒绝。(被审计单位当年实现营业收入总额为5 000万元),决定出具否定意见的审计报告。( )
配电网应用软件包括配电网运行监控与配电网运行状态管控两大类应用。() A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]医院发生撤销、划转、合并、分立时,应当进行的是()。
A. 编制财务报告 B. 债务清偿 C. 清算 D. 结转收入 我来回答: 提交