Overnight success usually takes at
least 10 years. One man said, "My overnight success was the longest night of my
life, I{{U}} (62) {{/U}}many days and nights {{U}} (63) {{/U}}
getting there. "Remember," Rome was not built in a day. "Many people are waiting
for their, ship to come {{U}} (64) {{/U}} -- when they’ve not even
{{U}} (65) {{/U}} it out of the harbor. You see, winners {{U}} (66)
{{/U}} do what losers don’t want to do. And they keep doing it till they get
the success they want. Success is mostly just {{U}} (67) {{/U}} on after
others have let go! So the most important trip you’ll make is when you go the
{{U}} (68) {{/U}} mile. Many people who {{U}} (69) {{/U}} did not know how close they were to success when they gave up. People don’t {{U}} (70) {{/U}} fail, they just {{U}} (71) {{/U}} too easily. One guy said," The se A. accustom B. accompany C. accomplish D. accommodate [多选题]以下哪些属于一类票务事故的处理。( )
A.解除劳动合同 B.分公司通报 C.记过、记大过 D.扣发当月绩效工资100% [单项选择]未穿着制式服装的人民警察在当场盘问、检查前,()出示执法证件表明人民警察身份。
A. 无须 B. 可以 C. 尽量 D. 必须 [单项选择]会计职业道德的实施需要构建()推动,社会各界配合,齐抓共管的监督机制。
A. 财政部门 B. 主管部门 C. 审计部门 D. 新闻舆论 [判断题]D类检修是指对SF6电流互感器在不停电状态下的带电测试、外观检查和维修。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]编组站、区段站和个别较大的中间站站场的接触网导线,距离轨面的高度不小于( )。
A.6200mm B.6500mm C.5700mm D.5330mm [多选题]设定条件:Φ200mm的环状消防管道,管道内的水压力不低于20×10^4pa,消防车供水量为16L/s。则下列表述正确的有( )。
A.Φ200mm的环状消防管道的流量为32 B.Φ200mm的环状消防管道的流量为48 C.Φ200mm的环状消防管道的流量为64 D.该管道可供消防车2辆 E.该管道可供消防车3辆 [单项选择]对于因不可抗力的突发性事件或者为了维护证券交易的正常秩序,证券交易所可以采取的措施是( )。
A. 技术性停牌 B. 临时停市 C. 休市 D. 政策性停牌 [单选题]进站信号机,均以显示( )为定位。
A.停车信号 B.注意信号 C.进行信号 D.月白灯光 [判断题] 某县公安局法制部门在工作中发现一派出所作出处罚的案件有错误,责成派出所纠正,派出所拖着不办。县局法制部门提请局领导批准,决定撤销派出所的行政处罚决定。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交