It is often observed that the aged spend much time thinking and talking about their past lives, rather than about the future. These reminiscences are not simply random or trivial memories, (1) is their purpose merely to make conversation. The old person’s recollections of the past help to (2) an identity that is becoming increasingly fragile: (3) any role that brings respect or any goal that might provide (4) to the future, the individual mentions their (5) as a reminder to listeners, that here was a life (6) living (7) , the memories form part of a continuing life (8) , in which the old person (9) the events and experiences of the years gone by and (10) on the overall meaning of his or her own almost completed life.
As the life cycle (11) to its close, the aged must also learn to accept the reality of their own impending death. (12) this task is made difficult by the fact that death
A. taboo
B. dispute
C. contempt
D. neglect
Picnic in the Dining-room "We shall be having a picnic tomorrow afternoon," said my hostess, Mrs. Brown. "It Will be quite simple and we shan’t make any fuss. I think an afternoon in the open air will do us good, don’t you Would you like to come with us " I had already made an appointment with the hairdresser but I weakly agreed to cancel it. Mrs. Brown smiled graciously. "I shall be making some cakes this afternoon," she explained, "so I shan’t have any free time. I wonder whether y A. the hostess B. a tenant C. a relative D. a friend [多选题]端脑 ( )
A.中央沟分隔额叶与顶叶 B.中央后回位于顶叶 C.两侧大脑半球主要由胼胝体相连 D.角回是视觉性语言中枢 [简答题]会议马上就要开始了,在印制会议材料时发现你负责的材料有两处错别字,领导严厉地批评了你,你怎么办?
A. 润滑可减小螺纹结合面的摩擦并使力量分配均匀 B. 电接头的螺纹一定要润滑好,否则达不到力矩值的要求 C. 若没有进行良好的润滑,装配时的螺栓连接达不到规定力矩值 D. 除了AMM手册中指出的紧固件外,在要求拧紧到规定力矩值时紧固件必须润滑 [判断题]各车间可以将含重金属超标废水直接排入污水管网及外环境。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述物理安全在计算机网络安全中的地位,并说明其包含的主要内容。
应考虑可能是 A. 肝破裂 B. 肠穿孔 C. 胆囊穿孔 D. 肾破裂 E. 脾破裂 [单项选择]一座大型食品加工厂属于()。
A. 单项工程 B. 建设工程 C. 建设项目 D. 单位工程 [单选题]通过开展电力建设工程施工安全专项治理行动,进一步落实企业安全生产主体责任,规范施工现场()管理,强化电力隧道施工企业在复杂地质条件下的施工安全意识和应对能力,有效防范和坚决遏制重特大事故发生,实现电力建设安全生产事故起数和伤亡人数进一步下降,为决胜全面建成小康社会提供坚实电力建设安全保障。
A.质量 B.安全 C.进度 D.投资 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]从一个具有多个离生心皮的单花形成的果实称为()。
A. 浆果 B. 聚合果 C. 聚花果 D. 蒴果 [多选题]数据通信的终端设备是数据通信系统中的端设备或端系统,它可以是一个。
A.数据源 B.数据宿 C.数据源和数据宿 D.以上三个可以 E.略 F.略 G.略 H.略 [多项选择]论文检索的方法有()
A. 工具法 B. 引文法 C. 借鉴法 D. 探讨法 [单项选择]属于机会致病原虫的虫种是
A. 溶组织内阿米巴 B. 蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫 C. 杜氏利什曼原虫 D. 刚地弓形虫 E. 间日疟原虫 [单选题]1945 年国共重庆谈判签署的协议是( )。
A.A.《和平建国纲领》 B.B.《国内和平协定最后修正案》 C.C.《双十协定》 D.D.《共同纲领》 [判断题]当有负力操纵飞机飞机滚转时后掠角越大越有利于飞机的纵向稳定性。
A.A短路 B.B、对地短路 C.C、相间或相对地短路 D.D、电弧灼伤 [单选题]操作人在操作过程中不准有任何未经()同意的操作行为。
A.工作票签发人 B.工作负责人 C.监护人 D.调控人员 [单选题]( )位置公差中“”表示_____。
A.对称度 B.垂直度 C.平行度 D.同轴度 [单选题]飞行指引仪(FD)何时自动消失?
A.当垂直方式未接通或ROLLOUT(滑跑)方式接通时,FD俯仰指令杆消失;当水平方式未接通或者RWY(跑道)方式 或ROLLOUT(滑跑)方式接通时,FD横滚指令杆消失 B.当飞机仰角大于25度或俯角大于13度,或坡度超过45度时FD指令杆消失 C.以上都对 [填空题]一般正常成人的膀胱容量为()。
[单项选择]Google’s Plan for World’s Biggest Online Library: Philanthropy Or Act of Piracy
In recent years, teams of workers dispatched by Google have been working hard to make digital copies of books. So far,Google has scanned more than 10 million titles from libraries in America and Europe—including half a million volumes held by the Bodleian in Oxford. The exact method it uses is unclear: the company does not allow outsiders to observe the process.
Why is Google undertaking such a venture’ Why is it even interested in all those out-of-print library books, most of which have been gathering dust on forgotten shelves for decades The company claims its motives are essentially public-spirited. Its overall mission, after all, is to "organise the world’s information", so it would be odd if that information did not include books.
The company likes to present itself as having lofty aspirations. "This really isn’t about making money. We are doing this for the good of society." As Santiago de la Mo
A. the copyright of the books it scanned B. the interest of traditional booksellers C. the differences of in-print and out-of-print books D. the copyright of authors of out-of-print books [简答题]电客车误进供电区的定义?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《中国石油化工集团公司环境保护白皮书(2012)承诺》,到2014年1月1日,中国石化所产车用汽油国IV升级项目全部建成投产。()
[多选题]( )的人生,才是有意义的人生。
A.有信念 B.有梦想 C.有奋斗 D.有奉献 我来回答: 提交